Baessler Homes
At the end of 2011, Jamie Baessler reached a turning point with his faith and the growth of his business. When Jamie realized Baessler Homes wasn’t just a secular business, everything changed. Watch this film to discover how God transformed Jamie and Baessler Homes from the inside out.
For more on Baessler Homes, visit their website here.
We’ve built over 3, 000 homes throughout our history. Primarily right here in Northern Colorado. In 2010, growth really challenged us a lot and what to do with growth and ultimately began to have kind of some different ideas as far as how to grow and really led to, to just some real challenges. [00:01:00] Jamie has always been a very moral person.
The personal relationship with Christ was absent. What he had was a knowledge of faith, and a knowledge of who God was, and a naturally moral and selfless character. It was definitely Discouraging to see opportunities that the Lord seemed to be opening up doors for, for growth, but yet still be really struggling.
Um, how do we get there and how do we, you know, how do we do this as a team when we have different ideas of how to do it? And in the end, just created some conflict within those relationships. Really kind of got me to a breaking point towards the end of 2011. I know there was a moment where he actually had to look at himself in the mirror and say, where do I want to go with this?
We grow when things get really hard. Typically, it involves some work and some effort and [00:02:00] some sweat. And it was at the end of 2011 that I recommitted my life to Christ and really walk with the intentional relationship, um, in mind. And can I do to just have that, that regular communication, conversation with the Lord, really seeking His guidance each day.
Mindsight’s 20 20. And, you know, I very much can see how I really was, you know, One of the primary reasons there were relationship issues. I didn’t, I didn’t know how to care for people. The Lord really impressed upon me that definitely the business needed to include him. It wasn’t just a secular business.
We began to pray at some of the company meetings and keep in mind we were Maybe eight people at that time. When he really developed his own relationship with Christ, he started to hand the company over to God, not just in a [00:03:00] financial way of giving, but also in the responsibility that God can care for us and for all of the people that we care about that work with us.
So I’m wired very much relationally. I’m totally kidding. I am very much wired operationally. And, and just task focused and there’s a job to do. Let’s get that job done and we’ll do it together. But yeah, very much understand today. I have to lead in a relational way. And again, that prayer of Lord, break my heart for my team.
I can be relational, but still be operational, still be task focused too. And I think that’s, that’s really a powerful thing. We’re trying to help other leaders recognize having balance there is where you become a great leader. There’s a time to be serious, but there’s a [00:04:00] time also to be able to let your guard down and have fun and breathe, and I feel like when you’re able to do that, you see people’s more natural side and their natural talents.
So as far as balancing out, he keeps me more on focus as far as some of the things I need to make sure But also be able to add a little bit of, uh, some fun to, uh, let people know that we’re real. And I think the great thing is Jamie doesn’t, uh, He views it as a gift and a tool that we can bless other people with.
I’ve been here for a year and a half now. To start, I didn’t really let people know about my, my personal struggles, uh, with what’s going on with our marriage and things like that. But, uh, as I got to know these people more, I’ve been able to share and so people have been able to come along beside me and not only that, you know, I know I’m not going through it on my own either.
I have this incredible workplace where I feel loved and supported. Vessler has given me this platform to be [00:05:00] vulnerable and display these type of emotions, whether it be joy or sadness, that it’s okay to feel these things and the more you display it, the more the people in your life are going to trust you.
And by having that platform and growing it here with the Bessler team, I’ve been able to take it home and deepen the relationships I have with my children and with my fiancé. Being allowed to be who I am, being allowed to come to work, and just Be myself and have hard days and have good days and know that the team supports me.
I’ve grown. I’ve done a lot of healing because I have, I have a group of team that cares. My primary role is, is really to develop leaders. That’s what excites me every day. Gets me out of bed. Everyone is a leader. Everyone has the opportunity to influence others, and with that [00:06:00] influence, it’s very powerful.
It’s been beyond what I could have, that I thought of when I initially came. It’s helped me grow my faith. It’s helped me be more patient and to listen, and it’s
really helped grow my marriage. My wife, she goes, Honey, you just seem different. I don’t know what’s changed about you. I go, Honey, my big role is to care about people, and what I’ve learned about listening and truly caring.
I realize that I haven’t been fully present listening. With any hike, it has its challenges. Very much parallels the walk that I’ve been on the last several years. Just as I reflect back, I take a lot of joy in the challenges that I’ve had, but ultimately the growth that the Lord has really allowed within me.
We have an amazing opportunity to care for people. It is so exciting each day to be able to come in to work to do that. It’s not work. It’s not work at [00:07:00] all.