Wyldewood Homes
Al Denson was a singer/songwriter in the Christian music industry for many years, but as his family grew, he felt a call toward business. Watch this film to learn how God led Al into starting a home building company in North Texas where he learned ministry and advancing the Kingdom of God was possible in the marketplace too.
To learn more about Wyldewood Homes, visit their website.
They called me, asked me, I showed up. Nine months later, we got married. Yeah, it was quick. When you’re on a major label, you have to tour. It’s kind of required that you tour, because you sell records by touring. So I did that, sang, and sang, and then, and then, uh We both decided I would get off the road. Well, the negative to that was now he was [00:01:00] gone, and I’m by myself that much more.
Then when we got pregnant, and we had our boys, that’s when life really, really changed the most. We had two kids. Oldest was four years older. I missed two birthdays, him walking and talking. And I’m holding my new one. I’m a lot of Galeth. I don’t want to DM anymore. I, uh, turned in those ropes, even though I had three records left, and started to ask the Lord what He wanted me to do next.
So, I’m kind of in my head going, now how in the world do I take Jesus out of my Christian culture and put him in my marketplace? I might have said I’m going to kind of not sing anymore, but I never in one second ever felt like God said, you need to get out of ministry, you need to get out of trying to reach people.
I had this hotel opportunity to be able to build a hotel from scratch at Hilton Garden Inn. [00:02:00] Obviously, I’m not building a hotel, I know nothing. What I did know was a man told me, You got to get a feasibility study to know that hotel is supposed to be there and it’s going to get full of people. So I got one.
It said the hotel was going to be pretty good, but what it also said was home building is going to be huge in the next few years. I had a super good friend. I called him up and said, I’m going to send you this feasibility study. He says, man, you got to come build here. So he comes over and he goes, Hey, I have decided something.
I said, what’s that? And he goes, we’re not going to come to North Texas. It’s like all the air went out of my chest. So it’s gone. What do you mean, man? He
says, we’re going to teach you how to do it. I said, I don’t know what to do. He says, get in the car. Let’s go find me some lots. That same day we drove around, walked up to these seven lots.
He said, this is it. I’m telling you the Lord’s in this. This is it. I believe that I have been Al Denson’s number one fan since the day I met him. When [00:03:00] he came to me about, you know, building homes, I thought, okay, this is totally out of the box. I totally believed he could do it. God has always been faithful, and I just believe in him.
At the end of the day, honestly, I, I trust my husband, but I trust God more. So I guess I became a home builder. Then I turned around and said, what do I do now? I, I don’t have my man. What am I supposed to do? He hands me a 900, 000 check and says, here, pay me back. I’ll teach you how to build these homes. So he handed me the check.
I said, why? Why would you do this? He goes, I know that you’re focused on the kingdom. I know your heart’s toward God. And he goes, I invest in the things of God and try to move the kingdom forward. So I remember we finally got all done with them. We put them up for sale. Six weeks later, the Lord sold all seven houses.
I said, now what? And he said, let’s do it again. I couldn’t have done this on my own. I mean, I still got water in my eyes. There’s no way I could have done it alone. But the Lord came and said, I’ve got you. And here’s somebody that’s going to [00:04:00] help you. I got you. And then people are coming over, teach me how to sell them, how to warrant him, how to social media them.
Then we end up building 95 homes and end up building 60 homes over here. And then we’re in the middle of building 90 now. And that’s all, that’s, this is almost four years ago. And then God started bringing me people to help on our side. You know, Tim and Julie come from two completely different backgrounds.
Um, the way they were raised, the way they’ve lived their lives, but they’ve all just grown so much. Al and I have become really good friends. Spent a lot of time together. I don’t know if he’s thinking more like me or I’m thinking more like him, but we’re pretty much on the same page now. He’s changed my life.
He really has. He’s one of my very best friends. My son works with us. It’s a blessing to have him here every day. I get to spend time with him. [00:05:00] I didn’t want to hire him. Al made me. He says, I see something in that boy. Julie
I’ve known her since she was nine. She didn’t come down to be a home builder, she came down to sing.
So I told her, I said, hey, when you’re not singing, if you want to help me build these houses, that’d be fun. Fast forward now. Now she runs our finance. And she does finance, she still sings. Now my main ministry is doing girls nights at churches. Wildwood Homes has given me sort of that base, like a jumping off point.
Out and do, uh, What I still feel called to do without worrying about the little things. We wanted her to go sing. We wanted her to go do the things for the girls. So we crafted her job so she could still go out and be effective in the marketplace. You know, I do not ever want to [00:06:00] take anything away from the years of ministry of singing and all the Christian artists that are my great friends that we sang together and all the invitations, all the kids that came down and said they wanted to give their life to Christ.
It’s a different type of a joy being in the marketplace, knowing that wherever God has me, He’s got me and ministry’s still happening. It’s not about you. It’s about trusting Him. Keep your eyes on Him and trust Him because God’s always got your back.
It makes you feel like you’re right where God wants you to be and there’s no better place than that.