Leading Leaders (Part 1)

Kingdom At Work

In last month’s post, we focused attention on what to look for in an individual when considering them for a frontline leader role. This month, we want to challenge you to shift your mindset to qualities that are core to leaders of leaders.

Nothing helps us self-reflect more than the Word of God. In Luke 12, Jesus shares a sobering parable, juxtaposing two managers. Both were given the Master’s business to oversee. Upon the Master’s return, one was found doing what the Master had asked and was given more responsibility. The other was found beating his Master’s employees and was severely disciplined.

Then the famous line: “When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” – Luke 12:48 NLT

Leaders who have the opportunity to build other leaders have been entrusted with much. You, leader of leaders, have been given the Master’s business. Soak that in for a moment. Let it stop you in your tracks. Much is required of you.

Let us be the first to encourage you – with Jesus, you have what it takes to meet those requirements. Alone, however, you can do nothing (John 15:5). Jesus has entrusted his disciples with the authority to take a meaningful role in the expansion of his Kingdom, and he promised he wouldn’t leave us alone (Matt 28:20). That includes you and the business he gave you.

So, what is required of you and your leadership team as leaders of leaders? What values can we point to, or even better, what values do we find in Jesus that we can claim?

Here is a call to action for you: take the month and read the book of Nehemiah with your team or with other leaders. This book is full of leadership insights. As you do, ask the Lord some simple questions:

  • What do you want me to know about what I am reading?
  • What do you want me to do with what you are telling me?
  • It is true you have entrusted me with much. What are you uniquely requiring of me?

Next month, we will share insight on core values we believe are crucial for leaders of leaders. Until then, listen well.

Final note: To dive deeper into hearing from God and how to define your leader of leaders core values, join us at the Kingdom at Work Leadership Workshops and learn from like-minded leaders. Learn more here.

September 15, 2022

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