Tips for Kingdom Leadership: Giving Feedback That Fuels Lasting Growth

Kingdom At Work

[The information referenced in this blog is from a Kingdom at Work Webinar on the topic “Feedback that Fuels: Honoring Others with Truth and Love.” presented by Jeanna Roach, CEO of Betenbough Companies. You can watch the full webinar here.}

Key Discovery: Feedback is fundamentally about coaching and building others up. While corrective feedback is important, celebrating successes is equally crucial.

As Kingdom leaders, we must ask ourselves: Is this feedback truly for their benefit or my own?

Practical Tips for Sharing Feedback:

1. Start with Relationships:

  • Build Connections: Establish genuine relationships with team members. If they know they are cared for and loved, feedback conversations shift from conflict to constructive and relational dialogue.
  • Reflect: Consider Proverbs 27:19—relationships are revealed in times of feedback. Begin with prayer, asking God how to approach each individual with feedback.

2. Approach with Humility:

  • Soft Heart, Humble Posture: Feedback should come from a desire to help others reach their God-given potential. Remember Proverbs 13:24: true love involves training and encouragement.
  • See Feedback as a Gift: A loving approach fosters an environment where feedback is welcomed rather than feared.

3. Celebrate What’s Going Well:

  • Consistently Seek the Positive: Look for strengths in your team members. As stated in Proverbs 16:24, kind words are sweet to the soul.
  • Focus on the Best: Philippians 4:8-9 encourages focusing on the positive aspects of your team to build unity and trust.

4. Delivering Constructive Feedback:

  • Clarity is Kindness: When addressing performance issues, take the time to identify the root causes. Focus on 1-2 key areas for improvement to avoid overwhelming team members.
  • Be Specific: Clearly outline the situation and behavior, and suggest actionable next steps. Use in-person conversations to convey care and emotion.
  • You and Me vs. the Problem: Frame feedback discussions as a partnership. Approach issues collaboratively, emphasizing that you’re both working together to address the problem, rather than placing blame on the individual. Kingdom leaders must go WITH their team.

5. Timing and Environment Matter:

  • Address Serious Concerns Promptly: Tackle serious issues as soon as they arise and choose an appropriate setting for discussion.
  • Prepare Documentation: Bring relevant documentation to support your points and share the document at the end of the conversation – keeping the focus on restoration and resolution.

6. Collaborative Conversations:

  • Involve a Third Party: In challenging situations, consider having a third person present – Matthew 18:16. This act can help maintain clarity and accountability in the conversation for both parties.
  • Ensure Healthy Dialogue: A third party can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure the conversation remains constructive.


In the Kingdom, feedback must be rooted in love. By prioritizing relationships, humility, and clarity, we empower our teams to reach their full potential. When approached correctly, feedback can fuel growth and development for years to come.

October 10, 2024

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