Feedback that Fuels | Honoring Others with Truth and Love
In this webinar, Jeanna Roach, Betenbough Companies CEO, teaches how to give feedback that builds others up through truth and love. Learn how to establish trust, seek God’s wisdom, and balance celebrating success and addressing challenges. Transform your leadership by giving feedback that honors and encourages growth by using Kingdom principles. Key Topics: – Building relationships for effective feedback – Seeking God’s guidance in these conversations – Celebrating success and addressing challenges, both are feedback!
good morning evening afternoon uh friends and welcome to the kingdom at work webinar I’m Amanda Bolan and I’m
the manager at Kingdom at work our mission here is to inspire ignite and
equip leaders to find their why we want to partner with you in the marketplace
and we um have some great information today to bring to you but before we dive
into today’s content let’s go over a few housekeeping items to ensure a smooth
webinar with everybody like always um we will have a Q&A feature at the end of
the presentation um where you can share your thoughts you can ask questions we value
your participation um if at any time you have questions down at the bottom of your
screen you can use that Q&A um area and you can ask us a
question we will answer as many questions as we can at the end we love to do live Q&A if for some reason we do
not get to your question or if your question requires an in-depth response
fear not it might be featured later on in our blog in the coming weeks so
lastly we want you to know that this webinar is being recorded and the recording will be available for you to
review and share with colleagues later on this afternoon so we’ll send out an email with that link shortly after the
event so we are so excited our CEO Gina roach is going to be sharing today Gina
grew up in wital Falls Texas and graduated from Texas Tech University
began her career in public relations and marketing here at beaten boo homes she
joined the team in 2006 and has led various roles emphasizing her strategic
lens for sales and marketing in December of 2023 Gina was appointed by Rick beatbo
as the CEO as beatbo companies Gina now leads our board of directors and
specializes in the growth and development of new Enterprises such as an event center a cafe and a title
company she is a champion of the beaten boow companies culture and defends it
daily Gina is uh married to her husband Andrew and they have three kids Olivia
Liam and Colin they do a lot of travel traving they shoot hoops and are on the volleyball court a lot so excited for
you to share Gina you got this thanks so much feedback that fuels I have to be
honest with you uh we do have a culture of feedback and like Amanda said I love
this culture and I defend it with every that I have but feedback was hard for me
actually before I came here and it’s something that I’ve developed in and have been so blessed
to be on the receiving end and so I’m excited to just kind of share some stories and things that we’ve learned
over time on what does that look like in a kingdom culture what does feedback feel like and look like Brad teed us up
last month by talking about having a hunger for feedback and a hunger for the
truth and that is so critical too and so we want to flip the script though so if that’s on the receiving end what is it
like you know to give it rick beatbo really got good at this over time and I’ll never forget there
was a month where we were going to have an all compan meeting and it started snowing uh we have regions that are
about two hours south of here they were already a part of our company at that time and we didn’t want everyone
traveling and so we thought hey what if everybody just went bowling on that day
the people in Midland Odessa they stay in Millan Odessa but they get together in the middle of the day once the snow
and the roads are fine and they just connect We’ll order pizza will hang out that will be the agenda is connection
and that’s typical for a kingdom culture right I was a manager at the time and I
remember we were all put on teams in the bowling alley and one of my favorite things to do is to surprise people when
I am at a bowling alley because nobody thinks that this girl who’s constantly
wearing heels walking around even knows how to throw a bowling ball and so I always surprise them when I come out on
top I actually grew up on a bowling league my whole family was a part of a bowling league and I’ll never forget one
time I was on the bowling lane and Rick came up and he was just watching me and I got a strike and then I got a spare
and then I got another spare I mean my family would be disappointed if I didn’t and Rick came up and he said Gina
there’s one thing I’ve always known about you and it just Rings true you are so
consistent and you know that in that moment was feedback for me and it was
positive feedback I just think that feedback gets a bad WAP sometimes so as
soon as you saw the word feedback you might have even flinched a little or thought well here we go again we’re just
going to keep talking about it you know you may have viewed it as a difficult topic to lean into to press into but the
truth is that you just might be thinking about criticism and not feedback maybe or perhaps viewing it is kind of
conflict that’s how I saw that in the beginning and that can stress so many of
us out but feedback to us is simply coaching and some of the best feedback I
have received has been an encouragement or a building up not a critique of me or
my performance and if what’s celebrated is repeated then our positive and encouraging feedback matters y’all just
as much as our Corrections and we give those out too so don’t worry we’ll talk about those as well but as Leaders you
might be really good at being critical but are you good at celebrating because what I know is when
what’s celebrated is repeated that can head you in a direction in such a Joyful
Way but my guess is probably you’re not that good at that I know it’s an area
that we actually struggle in because we can easily problem spot but not prais
spot things and I think if you’re going to have really good feedback you must
begin with relationship trust is built and grown through relationship so that you can
trust my words when you trust me and that’s the best way for this to go is
within a relationship it’s not the only way you’re going to sometimes have to give feedback to people maybe you don’t
have a great relationship but I do believe that it’s the best way that it can go Bob Smithson was on our early
leadership team here he oversaw all of our construction years ago he’s kind of an OG and mentor to many longers around
here and he would always ask the question question do you have the change in your pocket to have that
conversation he was saying do you know them are you engaged with them regularly does the person on the receiving end
believe that you truly care about them that’s not typical in most situations
and so if you’re going to be a kingdom leader then you should know the people and have relationship and within
relationship it’s never conflict actually it’s more of a conversation and then before you’re
given feedback you need to check your heart you know is it all about you you
know what you want to gain are you trying to get something out of it is it because they uh made you feel less than
you know or it’s something that I just want to say to that person and like I mentioned Brad told us in the last
webinar to avoid questioning motives and the truth is when we know someone loves
and cares about us we won’t even have to waste time or energy wondering about motives at all what a beautiful thing
when I know that someone loves me and they’re bringing something to me then actually I know it’s probably just as
hard for them to bring it as it is for me to receive it and so the relationship
can just even get stronger in the midst of these moments I love this proverb
Proverbs 27:19 as a face is reflected in water so the heart reflects the real person so is
the feedback truly for their benefit and you have to begin with prayer I have
learned this so much over the years I would get so stressed out about bringing feedback to
someone and then I would learned here well you can pray about those things God cares about that person as much as he
does you in this situation and this is a moment that we can reflect the heart of God and so call talk to him you know
like ask him what you should do here God is this something that you want me to talk to them about and if so how should
I go about it when should I do it is there a question that I should ask I’ll
never forget I was a young leader at the time we really didn’t have any formalized leadership training here
we’ve developed that over the years but we didn’t have it at the time that I was first the marketing manager here and I
remember I was struggling with a team member and they had been with us for about six months and I was like I don’t
know what to do I think I need to do a performance review it’s six months seems like a good time to do this and I spent
all night five hours trying to find like what’s a good document what is important to us trying to find things and ways to
communicate to this person you know really how the job was going and right
beforehand I just started to panic to have this conversation with her honestly
and I just prayed God can you help me here you know I don’t know what to do
and I felt him say just ask her how do you think it’s going and I still cannot
believe today that I never had to take out that paper I spent five hours coming up with that when I asked her Hey how do
you think it’s going she said actually not well and I just told the lady up
front that I’m resigning today like wow I mean actually there’s no better way
for that to go she actually in the end got to make that decision I didn’t have to do anything God intervened on our
behalf and so pray about these things not long ago there was a lot of tension on a team that I was on and I felt at
first like I was supposed to come to that person in my motives you know and try to help them be better sometimes
that’s what we want and it’s our opinion and I went to God and said all right God can you help me in this moment you know
I I want to honor you I want to do this and he basically said you’re asking the wrong question you should ask him are
you a good teammate am I a good teammate wow that actually opened the
door for us to head towards some feedback back that was so much softer and conversational than anything else
because when you step in and you check your heart and are you coming with a humble posture changes
everything and see these opportunities for what they are an opportunity to love
people that’s where it has to start that’s why you check your heart first and then often the fear that we
might harm someone or a relationship or be rejected tends to be what keeps us
from bringing the feedback to someone or maybe it’s the fact that we actually don’t have a strong relationship with
someone or we might not even be proximate to them so we fear the unknown
of how they’ll respond but fear cannot be the reason that you withhold a good
gift like feedback from someone it truly can be a gift I’ll tell you I have
gotten a lot of feedback over time and I can look back now on my life and see
those as such good gifts even if in the moment I didn’t and so know that that’s a reality for
people Proverbs 13:24 says a refusal to correct is a refusal to love love your
children by disciplining them Ron beatbo would always tell people that love was
the secret sauce here at beaten Bo companies and that is a clue that the kingdom has broken out in your business
it’s love and so if you love your people then you need to discipline them or
maybe better put train them you know I’ll never forget when I learned uh and never had seen it before but discipline
and disciple are really closely connected and at the core it’s because
it means student or pupil we’re always in training so we’re going to Forever
get feedback so how we do this for people can show them that we love and care for them because as a leader your
job is to help them Reach their god-given potential so how else can they get there without someone helping them
no one you know who is successful Rises to the top without feedback or without someone helping them get there that is
the truth I have had a bumpy road here but I actually wouldn’t be here if
people hadn’t had the courage and they loved me enough to come and say the things I needed to hear be that for your
team and Rick beaten boo he gave me some of the best advice last year he said Gina don’t forget to look for what’s
going well that is a kingdom leader right there because if what’s celebrated is
repeated then we should be searching for all the things that are going well because I promise you they’re there it’s
just sometimes really we do we can easily problem spot but not praise spot not find all of those things so go
looking for them this means be proactive in it seek those things because gracious words are like a
honeycomb sweetness to the soul and health to the body Proverbs 16:24
that is true those kind of things you know Rick coming to me and going you’re always consistent that was a really
positive message for me but you know what it I have thought about it so much and that was 10 years ago and it’s
because consistency is important in leadership you know and so what a gracious word to go I see that in you so
you know what happens then I keep doing it and keep seeking to be consistent in my walk right in my leadership and so
let those gracious words just flow out of you Philippians
48-9 uh from the message says this summing it all up friends I’d say you’ll
do Best by filling your minds and meditating on things true Noble
reputable authentic compelling gracious and here it comes the best not the worst
the beautiful not the ugly things to praise not things to curse put into
practice what you learned from me what you heard and saw and real Liv do that and God who makes everything work
together will work you into his most excellent harmonies it’s Unity he’ll
bring us into Unity together as he is helping us develop through other people
people are his plan a and so how we love and give feedback is so
important but what about the act of giving difficult feedback I know that all of that seems really fluffy and all
the good things we’d love to be encouragers but sometimes we have to give difficult
feedback and so we have some practical kind of tips and and techniques to share with you and one of the things that we
have learned um over time is that you should take the time to plan oftentimes
we don’t give feedback because we don’t know what to say and you have to take
the time to process what you should say you have likely heard it before to be clear is to be kind so you should know
plainly what you want to say to someone one that is being kind to the person that is loving them well and sometimes
what we have seen is over time our leaders they have these moments or things and they can’t quite pinpoint
what the issue is but you know it’s like you spot an issue here and there and you don’t really know what that is so
sometimes you have to take enough time and pause to go okay what are the commonalities between this what is the
main issue here that’s keeping this person from performing at the level that
we need and sometimes the hardest part y’all is getting clear with ourselves what the issue is and so please don’t
underestimate this take the time that you need to understand really what is the root issue here we don’t want to
deal with symptoms we want to pull out roots and get to really what is the heart of the
matter and so we start to kind of write out these thoughts you know we try to determine what are the top one to two
things that I should address with that team member you know I have no doubt
that God has a list of things that he is working to develop in me and that he is going to have to develop in me but he
doesn’t just roll out the scroll I think of it like a naughty list he’s not just got this list of things for me he
convicts me you know one at a time shows me something new every time so that he
doesn’t break my spirit but instead bends my will more towards his and so we
should be the same with our people we don’t want to come at them with a list that’s not even right or fair that is
not loving people well but one what are the one or two things that are keeping them from their performance or their
potential you know there’s if you’re having to have a corrective conversation then what you’re saying is there’s a gap
between the performance and our expectations and so what are these things that will help us kind of bridge
the gap and get them back to healthy because we don’t want them out of the organization that’s the truth
we’re trying to help them stay but don’t underestimate the time it can take to get clarity please take the time
it’s probably the hardest thing that I even see with leaders in our organization but take the time that time
right there that is US loving people well even just stopping and taking that
kind of time and then be specific in the feedback in a podcast interview
conducted by author and host Malcolm gadwell you’ve probably heard of him he wrote The Tipping Point and so many
others he emphasizes the power of specificity and argues that the reason that country music is so impactful and
why rock music actually fails to engage as much or in the same way is due in part to the fact that it lacks the
details that country songs often provide it’s the idea that specificity helps
make an idea memorable to us and that has been true in my experience with feedback both positive and corrective
which means that vague or ambiguous feedback can accomplish the reverse leaving the team member to fill in the
gaps with their assumptions on the matter while there is power and specificity I I can hear Rick right now
he would always go well they you know killed your mama killed your dog or Tau
songs about your mama and it’s like Rick hated country music but he actually knew
some of the songs because there’s so much power and specificity for us so we need to be specific about the issues we
sometimes teach for people you know hey go to where was the situation and what was the behavior that happened and what
were the what was the intentions or what happened outside of that and then hey next time what are we going to do
differently but be specific in the feedback an inperson is always best text
or email correction is never okay and even encouragement in that way kind of lacks the emotion that a team member
receives from you when you’re face to face with them so make that your playing a your goto always if it’s not an option
then I try to get voice to voice at the very least so that tone is not lost and the team member can kind of hear your
care for them even if they can’t read it in your body language research done years ago and you
can find it online regarding communication suggests that like 55% of communication is our body language 38%
is our voice or tone and only 7% is what we say our words that is really
critical for us to remember in these sensitive and developmental moments for people because if we want to love them
well then and we want to communicate clearly to them the majority of that is
our body language and our tone so get in person and then I always say just be
honest and honoring Ephesians 4:15 says it this way we will speak the truth in
love growing in every every way more and more like Christ you know just make sure
that you employ empathy here and try to imagine yourself in their position that can be loving people well I was talking
to my husband recently saying a lot of people don’t do that we never try to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes
and through relationship you can even kind of anticipate what will their reaction be what is their preferred
communication style I can try to love them well by doing that but I still have to be honest about what is happening but
here we teach our people to go soft on the person but hard on the issue the issue is still an issue but go soft on
the person and hard on the issue we’re going to tell you the truth but we want
to do it wrapped in love and a really honoring way because we want it to be
you and me versus the issue you know make sure the team member knows that you want to help them make sure that they
understand that there is that Gap in performance or attitude or behavior whatever it is but that you’re going to
do your part in helping them fill that Gap as much as it’s up to you they have a responsibility in that
too so make sure to Define their responsibility and how you plan to come
alongside them we even we’ve created documents now here that help us work through all of these things but we have
to ask the question what’s my role in this you know Moses never went alone he actually begged God you know to go with
him and he told him my presence will go with you and I will give you rest the
disciples didn’t go alone they had Jesus and so leadership in the Kingdom means that we go with our people and we’re
constantly thinking about these things all the time we think about the environment and the location you know
where do I sit if I want this to be me and my teammate against the issue then where I sit speaks to that actually and
I never want there to be a barrier between me and the team member that it’s transactional but in the Kingdom we
relational so where I sit I try to sit right next to them where this happens I
want to honor them and so if I’m going to honor them then I need to think this could be an emotional thing for for them
this could be hard to hear and they might need to step away for a minute where could I do this even on our campus
that when they come out of that meeting they won’t have to engage with others they can have a moment to process on
their own and and not have other people looking at them do you see how much care that takes for
people just really think about that for people it’s US versus the issue no
divides no divides but what happens when things get really serious you just got to say
so do not skirt the issue or joke around before you know there have been moments
here where we go okay this is going to be the last opportunity for this person and you
know the last thing I want to do is say hey how was your weekend and have this
really light-hearted conversation to then go into to maybe what we would determine would be a 911 call like this
is an emergency moment we call that like dead man walking we as soon as we know
something’s going to happen number one Rick would always say when you know you go we go we don’t wait to talk about it
we get clear and then we go to this person and then we just say so so oftentimes we’ll walk in a room we just
go hey you need to know that this is a serious situation we want to get to the point so that they’re not left in limbo
that’s not for our sake actually if it was for us we like to ramble and sugarcoat things right but I don’t want
them wondering what’s coming they’re just kind of bracing for impact and that is not loving someone well that weight
waiting and wondering brings so much more anxiety to the situation so don’t
make them wait I’ll never forget I had to deal with a really really hard
situation last year and I started to think about this uh I was dreading the
conversation and I remember thinking timing oftentimes is an issue in these moments you know we want to talk to the
people as soon as we know there’s an issue we don’t want to be fake around them that’s what we don’t want to be we
want to be able to walk authentically all the time with them so we don’t want to know something major is going to
happen and have them walking around in that and I had a team member that was coming back from vacation and some major
things had happened and we were going to have to make a serious change and I needed to get on their calendar for
first thing it needed to be the first thing that we did and so I just thought
if this would me was me how would I want this to go and I just picked up the phone and
because we did have a strong relationship and I said hey you need to know tomorrow when we meet it’s going to
be a difficult conversation I don’t want you spending all night wondering you’re already going to do this because you see
this meeting you see the people that are in this meeting and so I just want you to know in advance it’s going to be a
difficult conversation for both of us and still to this day he talks about
that because he said my gosh you don’t know even just Gina calling me G like
just gave me so much peace I already knew what it was going to be so I didn’t have to walk in or try to fill in all of
the gaps and one of the lessons we’ve learned here is you need to make sure to have documentation with you in those
meetings if Clarity is kindness then when we write these things down that’s
what we’re doing for people we’re being kind and it becomes um not only more clear the issue but the changes that
need to be made and it communicates the ser seriousness of the issue just the paper itself the fact that we’re both
signing something tells us that this is an issue and again the whole heart of
this is restoration for them and you should know that I’ve had a 911 here
everybody on our board had a 911 situation with Rick beatbo at some point
so when I say that I say that with full confidence and truth but man you know the volume of our
heart rate and our emotions during that time is so loud it’s almost like you can’t even hear the feedback that’s
coming at you you know so as The Giver we should be aware of that for people
and that’s why it should be written down clearly for that person so they can read it review it after the conversation you
know if they have questions some people are like me and they verbally process things out loud some people need to go
and take that away for a little while you know but I’ll tell you uh this is kind of a 2011
situation here but I always wait to bring out the paperwork um at this point if I’ve spent all this time really
thinking about the issue I could probably recite what’s on that paperwork you know I’m going to go in really
prepared for them for them not for me for them so that I’m clear on it and so
I leave the paperwork oftentimes till the ends because if not again it just becomes about the paperwork they can’t
even hear and we want it to be more conversational and relational and so
then at the end I’ll bring out the document but I’ve already said everything on it so I’m not going to walk through it but the document itself
speaks it provides Clarity and it speaks to people because once that document is
present everything kind of shifts for them um in the way that oftentimes it
needs to we must let people wrestle in that tension most of my growth has come
from these difficult moments and I don’t want to take that away from EV from anyone ever but don’t ever do it
alone Matthew 18:1 15-16 you’ve probably heard this one um a lot but you should
bring someone with you you know it it says to go straight to them in our culture we tell people this all of the
time you know hey go to that person don’t talk about that person go to them
but here when we’re in a serious conversation we’re going to add a third person actually and they’re going to
serve as a helper for both parties in that conversation because they want to make sure that the
person that’s on the receiving end of the feedback is communicated to clearly and
understands what’s happening and they’re there for both of us they don’t come just for the leader they’re actually
this third party to help bring reconciliation and restoration they can come in unattached and unbiased to
ensure that that feedback is presented also in a way that honors you know that’s accountability for me if I’m the
leader doing it um that it honors them and that it encourages repentance you
know and then they can shut down any conversation when it’s unhealthy on either
ends and we’ve had that happen because look we deal with difficult things around here we’re people and where there
are people it’s going to get messy and this is not the kingdom beaten Bo companies you know here it’s not the
kingdom and we say that all of the time and so we deal with our humanness as
well which which is why I’ve had a 911 I’ve had many corrective conversations over time and I’ve also had a lot of
really encouraging feedback because in closing the core of all of this y’all is
love it is a love based model of leadership and
development like I said I have thought more and more about Rick’s consistent comment so much the past year and he
said that a decade ago but it’s a reflection of the heart of God you know
he would see those good things and he would call them out and even being
highly specific in that encouragement is so important because Fe feedback can
truly fuel you for years and years to come so don’t be the reason that someone
doesn’t get that kind of training or love and although I really wish that we
were perfect at this we just aren’t only Jesus was but we do desire in our heart
to be Jesus style leaders and I know that you do as well and so we just pray
over you that you would have the right words at the right time for people that you would go build relationship with
people that allows this to be us versus the issue not me versus you so thanks so
much Amanda I don’t know if we have questions that was a lot and there’s so much more I have in my heart but let’s
just go those do you know so good we’ve had so many people write and say ouch
that’s exactly what I needed man the Lord had me get on this web andr just
for this so absolutely so good hey guys um we love to answer questions live um
that’s one of the great things about the webinars that we do if you have a question you can use the Q&A feature
that is down at the bottom um of your bar and submit some questions just a
reminder this webinar is being recorded and um we will send that link out later
on um in the day for you to share um share with your colleagues share with other friends and I know Gina gave some
really great tips and techniques just so you know all of those will be included on our next blog if you’re not
registered um or signed up for our blogs visit our website Kingdom and
you can sign right there and you can sign up for our blogs that come out um we love for those to be quick impactful
and action for you as leaders all right we do have some questions so let’s jump
in here um first question that we have that I’d love to get to is this um is so
great to hear I would love to know more about your culture and how you develop
this at your organization yeah culture
wow we probably 12 years ago sat down and just said what are the words that
Define our culture who are we you know what are those unique quirky little
things it was only beaten Boles at the time but that beaten Boles you know uh
kind of characteristics of our group and we asked that with our management team and board at the time and it was
fascinating what happened but a lot of the same words kind of rose to the top and so we have four core values that we
defined at that time and I’ll tell you we have defined them and then kind of
refined them over the years the words themselves ultimately the thoughts and values haven’t changed but our Clarity
on communicating them has you know Unity is a core value here I would say we part
ways with people more uh with that core value when division happens probably
than anything and uh we kind of have a really low tolerance for division here
and so we teach on that and we say what is unity like um it means you disagree so you can we want you to disagree we
believe that that is a good thing all of our different perspectives but once a decision is made then we’re going to
commit and we’re going to walk out of a meeting like we called that play ourselves you know or we go talk to one
another like I said not about one another and we teach on it constantly we
do correct based on our four core values it really is how we select people it’s
how we you know kind of riew or give feedback to people and it’s how we separate with people and so we defined
that years ago and we just continue to try to teach and talk on that and go is that still true and is that what our
expectations are and uh they just remain the same but it’s kind of just it’s Unique to us that’s the thing that’s why
we say it’s kind of quirky it’s like things that we value so much and if you don’t value that as well you’re not
going to like it here and if we want a flourishing for every everybody that’s here that’s what God wants in a kingdom
culture then they need to Value what we value or the odds of them flourishing in our garden here are not going to be
good that answer that Amanda yeah absolutely really good I mean that’s
such a big question I would also add to what Gina said if you do go to our website we have a whole section on
culture um we’d love to you know help you develop the quirky things that God has for your
business all right next question that we have um in regards to building
relational Equity what are some practical tips in doing that within our
organization with the people um on our team yeah years ago we actually were
trying to figure this out because look some people just connect more naturally than others and so we started doing what
we call one-on ones uh we actually started this you can read articles now I feel like Harvard Business Review has
articles all these people have articles on them but we started doing one-on ones
probably about 10 years ago with our people and that is all about relationship so every week every leader
here is expected to have a one-on-one conversation a oneh hour like recurring
every single week meeting with their employees and the only thing they’re
trying to accomplish is to get to know one another you know it’s like do I know
Amanda and I we get to have one-on ones and so do I know what’s going on in Amanda’s life now I don’t need to know
every single thing nobody’s testing this but really we started doing this and we
get to know each other we carve space in our workday for this so I have four team
members that report to me and I meet every single week with them for one hour and the whole point is just to know
what’s going on in their life what is what are the main things that are top of my for them and so we don’t force it to
all be relational and we teach and talk about this a lot at our Kingdom at work workshops that we host and lots of
things so you can find tons of content on our website about it but that has been one of the strongest tools that we
have implemented that really speaks loudly to our team that relationships matter but I will tell you it can also
become a checkbox so just because you’re having weekly one-on ones with people does not mean that you’ll have
relational fruit and we have to watch out for that in our culture to make sure
we’re not just checking boxes and getting things done and so we have ways that we try to understand if our leaders
like if I asked Amanda on her team does she know one two things that are happening in her team member’s life
could she tell me and that’s really what it’s about so we make time for it we also find excuses to be together I can’t
lie to you there are fun things that our group starts um on their own so we were talking earlier about a fantasy football
league that got started here that some of the guys are on you know we do Regional events in our areas so our home
office is in Leck Texas so there might be a Leck event and every employee and their families are invited you know we
try to find ways to engage with one another and know one another beyond the
work that we do sounds like we need to start a
bowling league now too Gina yeah I’m in I gave away my secret though I can’t
surprise everybody now you’re not the ringer anymore all right we do have several
more questions um keep bringing those in we love them really good all right how
um did you if you had to reshift your mindset from being someone that tends to be more negative that looks at things
from a half empty Vantage Point how did you shift that into looking for what’s
best you know I think it’s just number one I thought about this a lot and it’s
just being aware of it and it’s always good to have someone hold you
accountable to that honestly to have team members that are looking for the same thing um and starting your day with
it I just wonder if we started our day in that mode of gratitude you know that
attitude of gratitude then what would the rest of the day look like and I do
try to do that I’m ultimately though I am on the more positive end but I do work with a lot of people that are um
part of their gifting actually is they critical so they they’re analytical they can find problems like that and so we
just have to do like Rick did and just go hey what’s going well even asking that question you know making yourself
aware even just knowing that you’re more on the negative can help you just flip the script you know it has to be a
mindset change and so I think that’s really really important you know in scripture
so often we see the word repent you know which just means change direction and so
we have to be aware of that and repent in those moments and try to go and say How would how would Jesus do this what
would this look like for him I mean he gave real feedback to the woman at the well he didn’t skirt the issue but you
know what um he was never like degrading in any way he would always call people
up and so I think you just got to be aware of it and start putting into practices maybe daily things for
yourself so that you can have a mindset shift you know to head more
positive really good absolutely if there are multiple areas
that need Improvement you said not to present the whole list what does the timing look like to reveal it all
especially if they are impacting the organization yeah and there are so many nuances
within that it’s like I want to ask you all these follow-up questions and and honestly you’re you’re always welcome to email our group to um and we can even
chat oneon-one if there’s more information but what we’ve done is sometimes we just go okay there’s this
issue and this issue this issue this issue and we go why are all of those a
problem and sometimes we go is there a root cause seriously that’s the same
because sometimes it’s like well they said this in a meeting but then this action happened and then over here this
went on and we go really is our problem that we don’t trust them we need to be
able to trust our team members to do the work and so we try to go really is there
a root issue and then if not if it’s like wow we have these five or six things but if I give that to them it’s
just going to them they’re not even going to know how to tackle this and so we just go no more than three
it’s just a lot to overcome um and so we go hey what are the one to two or three
things that would seriously keep them from being here tomorrow what is it and
we have to go talk about that and we also we kind of have not a not a process
but conversations around really the level of Correction uh based on the
issue you know for divisive comments that we hear about I mean we’re we’re
going to give a warning and then that’s it so we’re going to come in maybe a little harder in some of those cases you
know and if someone shows up to our morning meeting late how we respond in
that moment not might not be on a document but it might be hey here’s here’s the issue here’s why it’s
important here’s what’s going on and so some of those are smaller but you really need to just give them no more than
three or it’s just not even fair and if you’ve got six issues and it’s really causing a problem
then maybe you just have to be honest with yourself on whether or not they’re a right fit for the role or the culture
there in my head when I’m thinking of six major issues I’m just going man is this a job fit problem and that’s what’s
happening or is it a culturefit issue and I would start there and go what is
the issue because sometimes y’all it’s us we’ve placed people in roles that
maybe just aren’t right or we’ve misunder stood that they were a culture fit when actually maybe they don’t value
unity in the way that we do I hope that was
helpful uh this leads right into can you define what a 911
is yeah for us truly it is kind of your last warning so I always tell this story
so I’ll just tell it here Rick and I met and we had a 911 call this was probably
in 2012 at this time in which he asked me
uh we had just promoted four leaders to an executive management team and he sat me down one on-one and he said Gina are
you submitted to this leadership team and you know what so great he let
he let me respond and say 5050 H because I was always honest with
him and then he proceeded to let me explain why that was and he listened the
whole time and then he said I hear you but tomorrow that needs to be 100%
submitted and we’re not going to talk about this again that is a 911 call that
was the moment for me that lots of things shifted in my life because at the core of the problem was Pride I was the
issue and if he hadn’t to come to me y’all I don’t know what my life would be like my relationships with my husband
and my kids let alone here in my leadership so it is your last warning it
that’s why we call it it’s an emergency like the next day you have to come in and it has to be different or we’re
going to part ways wow always a powerful story and
I’ve heard it several times the gift of feedback this is another personal
question for you Gina As you move up and have in your leadership role especially now as the CEO how much feedback do you
give to your team are you just giving feedback all the time or what does that look like in this role and Leadership
level you’re at that is a really great question you
know I still can’t believe that it’s been 10 months but because this is such
a lifestyle for us we’re just always doing it now I think who you give the
feed back to and how you give the feedback that’s what’s so important and
so I try to minimize it you know there is with the overall organization but
within our board you need to know that is probably one of the most highly accountable groups I’ve ever been a part of now most of us have worked together
here for I think on average it’s kind of like 17 years our youngest you know team
member on the board has been here 17 years and so we’ve all been together for such a long time that we can go to one
another because the truth is we have a depth of relationship that y’all is so special and it can happen you can be
friends and love the people that you lead and you should know when Rick gave me this role I had reported to every
board member and now here we are everything is changing but the beautiful
thing was is we had given feedback to one another for years actually and so
yeah we continue to do do that for one another if we see something and we go man that’s not who God created you to be
we go to one another you know that am I a good teammate I was on the board of
directors when I had that converation you know it’s what we have to do for one another but I’m just telling you y’all
the way it goes is so different because we know the hearts of the other person
and I’m not going to bring feedback to one of my team members if God tells me not to like if that’s about me and I
just want them to be a certain way that’s not right because at our level we’re dealing with a lot of Behavioral
stuff when you’re leading leaders that’s probably where you spend a lot of your time is more on behavioral type of
things and so it’s kind of nuanced and that’s why you really need to step back and go okay is this going to keep them
from being here is this going to keep them from reaching their potential and we go to one another we do it all of the
time he the last question we have is my fear is what their response is going to
be I see this holding me back from giving feedback as a leader what are
some practical things that you did to help in letting go of that
fear that one is hard I have to tell you one of the last conversations Rick beatbo and I had is one of my faite
favorite cuz he said you know Gina I had the luxury of not really worrying what people thought of me or think of me and
uh he’s saying that because he knows that I have had the opposite problem um that I did really care what my team
thought about me you know I loved them and cared about them and so I wanted them to love and care for me and I think
because I have recognized those moments in my life that some of the low points
in my life I teach on this often are when most of my development actually
happened here and so because I know that that is actually the truth that God is
actually closest to you when you’re in those desert seasons of life when you’re in the valley I can walk in a confidence
now that I didn’t have before but I’ll tell you early on I was just watching
individuals disrupt the whole team and so if you struggle and you’re more of a
people pleaser like I am or honest I’m kind of recovering from um that might be
an issue for you and so you know that that one is affecting a whole group and
you don’t want that for the people and so you know that you have to say something and a lot of these tools have
come from us trying to be prepared because we don’t know how they’re going to respond but if I know someone and I I
know who they are as a person and I typically uh and and look I’ve been in some weird situations that have
surprised me and I maybe I thought I knew them and the reaction I get
actually tells me I didn’t know them at all and we will just squash that because
at the end of the day if you believe that you’re supposed to have this correction if you have taken the time
and you have put all of that effort into trying to love them well that is your
part Clarity is your part responsibility is their part and so if they refuse
responsibility and they get heated and they say things um to your leader or to
you that are just not okay you just stop the conversation that’s why we bring a
third person in sometimes too because those things happen and they can be the strength in that moment to they’re this
third party Observer and I’ve had to be the one that said hey that’s going to end right now because ultimately y’all
if you are the leader you have the authority in that area and you can’t let someone like that affect the rest of the
team you know just because we love one we can’t put them above everyone and so that is for me how I
have been able to get past that fear and just walk in faith but I will tell you
praying for favor praying for God to be in the middle of that time he will show
up in ways that will shock
you really great Kingdom wisdom Gina thank you you for pouring time and into
each of us hey as we close I want to tell you guys about a few things that we
have um coming up with Kingdom at work the first one is we are so excited on
February 19th we will be in the peran Basin the peran Basin is Midland Odessa
Texas we are going to put on a work with purpose conference this is going to be
at the Wagner Noel performance art center there’s a QR code right there on your screen um it will take you get you
a little bit more information we are so excited anybody that’s in the workforce
um we would love to have you join us second thing is if you are a business
owner we would love to invite you to our Kingdom at work leadership workshops we
have those open two different workshops to choose from in 2025 you can register
with that QR code there as well lastly um our November webinar um will be
November 13th we are um really really um
thrilled to have um last year’s webinar Rick beatbo this was the last webinar
that he um one of the ones he did the operational heart of God and so that is
the QR code to register for that um we hope that you take this information you
talk to the Lord about it and then start putting action and applying it where he has you we appreciate you guys have a
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