Hearing from God with Panel Interview
Work with Purpose Conference | Keynote 3 and Panel | August 2024
Discover the power in the promise of God that He still speaks and learn how to tune your ears to the voice of God to help you navigate every area of your life and listen to a panel as they discuss what this looks like in day-to-day work tasks. Find more info here!
ind you this is
happening hello and welcome back from the
break I know it’s been wow what a great morning already but God’s not done yet
that’s what’s crazy he is just getting started and so really quickly I just
want to recap the morning Cal kind of started or he did start introducing us
to the kingdom and telling us that God not only cares deeply about our work but that it actually matters
profoundly to him or is it service or is it worship right it’s all the same to
him and then Bill got us thinking about our identity asking one of those really critical questions who am I and I love
that he took us back into the garden where Adam and Eve are frightened and
then God says who told you that see some of the biggest questions we’ll ask in
our lives is who am I and why am I here identity and
purpose but the biggest struggle that we have is that fun mayor we allow so many
other voices to crowd out the voice of God our Creator and father who wants to
help us with those questions and I would gather that today some of you are letting someone else or
something else tell you the answer to who am I and why am I here which is why
it is so important that we learn to hear from God and that is what this topic is
about right now I find it so fascinating that in the Old Testament you see all
the time where God speaks to the Holy Spirit the spirit of God arrives in Genesis 1:2 so he’s there from the
beginning and then all through scripture you see where God’s presence maybe is like resting in the temple or it would
fall upon or fill people like Cal talked about earlier I love it it would say it
says that Moses met with God in the tent of meeting you know this where a pillar of cloud would descend and stand at the
entrance of the tent and the Lord would speak with Moses later in that passage
it says that the Lord would speak to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his
friend we can be friends with God we can have a relationship just like that with
God which is what is so beautiful and we’re probably aware though of prophets like Moses right that were spokesmen for
God that they always could speak with God it’s like we think Moses was one of the lucky ones and then you’ve probably
heard of some other prophets though Samuel um Deborah Isa Isaiah
Jeremiah but the presence of God through his Spirit really is known to fill and fall upon all sorts of people I mean a
construction worker I mean that guy is a creative a
Craftsman so here it says I have filled him with the spirit of God he got wisdom
understanding knowledge skills God talked to him and helped him with his work through the Holy Spirit and all
through scripture you continue to see the spirit of God show up we see it all
throughout judges right so the spirit of the Lord was upon him and he judged Israel judges 3:10 this is talking about
one of the judges anniel and it goes on and on with so many of the judges that are anointed then in judges
14-6 the spirit rushes upon Samson and
it’s for the first of many times if you read scripture it’s like it rushed upon him he did something amazing and then it
okay now it rushes upon again it’s almost like the spirit left him for a moment and then we see later on in
Samuel 10:10 it says the spirit of God rushed upon him and he prophesied this is Saul after being anointed
king and then we see it later with King David where the spirit of God rushes upon
him and it said the Lord rushed upon David this is also his anointing and Samuel Rose and went to Rama now the
spirit of the Lord departed from Saul see in the Old Testament we would often times see the anointing of the Holy
Spirit on Kings priests and Prophets and then something happens and
Jesus changes everything for us we are blessed because Jesus himself gave us
the holy spirit in John 141
16-18 Jesus releases the holy spirit this is hours before he’s going to go to
the Cross so he’s talking about the kingdom and he’s talking about them the helper the Holy Spirit who he is going
to send to be with us forever later John shows us in 14:26 but
the helper the Holy Spirit he wants to make sure we understand who the helper is it is the holy spirit he will teach
and he will bring into remembrance all that I have said to you the Holy Spirit can teach us things and it can be like a
reminder once I heard it’s like the Holy Spirit can be like a hard drive for you
it’s going to capture all those Miracle moments all that scripture that you’ve been talking about right all the times
that God has shown up he is just storing that to bring it into remembrance at a time that you are absolutely going to
need it the helper is going to come and then in 15:26 he says and when
it comes I will proceed to Bear witness about me so the holy spirit is going to
help you know uh show tell confirm that Jesus is God that is what the helper is
going to help about he’s like our Assurance then John
167 says this it is to your advantage that I go away for if I do not go away
the helper will not come to you but if I go I will send him it is to our
advantage that we have the Holy Spirit with us you know the presence the the
would keep only that the priest could only go into the presence of the god once a year for atonement you know for
sacrifice there was this barrier between us and God and so he says I’m going to
take the spirit and I’m going to put it now it’s not just in a physical Temple it’s going to be in this Temple and it’s
to our advantage that he go away in John uh 1613 then he’s still
talking about the Holy Spirit he says he’s going to guide you and he says but whatever he hears
he will speak and he will declare things that are to come the holy spirit will
speak to you and make declarations about what’s to come wouldn’t you love this in
your work in your personal life and as Jesus died he yields up his
spirit and we are told in three separate gospel accounts that that Veil that was keeping us separated it was torn into
from top to bottom it is sliced and now we have full access to the presence of
God what a gift and then Jesus continues you know to talk to his people and he’s
telling the disciples how he has to go and the helper is going to come and we see he he actually says John baptized
you with water but the holy you’re going to be baptized in the Holy Spirit and we see that later in Acts 2 we don’t have
time for that they put me on a time limit but the helper comes the Holy
Spirit arrives but why does that matter to you
you well did you not hear Jesus it is to your advantage look you’re not going to
be surprised when I tell you I like an upgrade you could probably tell by the way I dress and the heels I wear I saw
what they wrote about me my hot pink and my heels I like an upgrade but I bet if
you are given a free upgrade if somebody gives you a free first class seat you’re going to take it so why wouldn’t you
take the advantage of the Holy Spirit spirit in your life it is to your
advantage and I’m going to tell you you are going to find yourself in situations you couldn’t imagine meetings that you
have no right and no reason to even be in the Holy Spirit can guide you in the
smallest of things in your life to the biggest decisions that you have I would
say that the Holy Spirit has convicted me most of my pride and which was
holding holding me back not only professionally but personally in my marriage in my family spiritually you
know getting in the way of me and my relationship with God he’s guided me in
decision-making with a personal vehicle what wow he’s helped us and given these
crazy ideas on how to move forward to expand business operations and even how to have a
difficult conversation with a teammate it is to your advantage and look you
don’t have to believe me cuz those are the words of Jesus not Gina that I read
all through John those words are in red in my Bible they are the words of Jesus
Christ himself he is going to give us an advantage and help us in our daily
lives wow I’ll tell you the Holy Spirit has even prompted me it’s such a sweet
thing when this happens my journey uh to this new role of CEO has not been an
easy one and I actually in 2020 had a major demotion and I’ll never forget I
was on my pelaton bike with the rest of the world in 2020 and the Lord said a
shift is coming that was at 8:00 p.m. the night before I would walk in and I would
actually have a demotion and an entirely new job when I walked out of that next
day but what a sweet gift that was because you know what I was prepared even for that little thing the holy
spirit is your advantage but how can we actually hear God’s
voice and first I want you to listen to little clip and I want you to raise your
hand the minute you recognize the voice don’t yell it out but raise your
hand a storm is brewing in Metropolis
for years Metro boomman has protected the city from the unrelenting threat of
evil but the light that one is pretty easy to recognize isn’t it who is
it Morgan Freeman who some of you might actually think is the voice of God I think he’s
played that in quite a few of his movies but how did you know it was him actually
it’s cuz you’ve heard it before and you know what it sounds like and you probably haven’t heard him just once I
mean this guy plays the voice of God and does voiceovers for every single documentary and show and see what’s
happened is you’ve calibrated your ears to be able to hear it although you never saw
him I look nothing like Morgan Freeman yet you knew exactly who voice that was
that is how it can be with God but first things first you’re going
to have have to silence the noise you need to grab the remote and
turn everything off so that you can actually be still enough to hear from God I keep
thinking in my own life how can I physically hear from someone if I’m moving physically all the time and then
mentally this is the hardest thing to turn off not to mention we oftentimes
have so many distractions and interruptions in our lives I wonder how many notifications you have on your
phone right now I didn’t bring it up here because it’s likely going off it’s
a distraction for me and you know that’s exactly what the enemy would love he
would love the biggest tactic he has is to keep us from hearing from our father
and so these the devil is in these distractions one of the holiest things that you might do this week is turn some
of those notifications off at not everyone should have access to you all
the time and the problem is that time is filling us up Tik Tok Instagram whatever
it is for you it is stealing the time in which we could be silent and hear from
the Lord we have to work hard to normalize silence in a world in which
people have access to us constantly how could you go deep even once a week with
the Lord or Journal whatever that is for you if you’re not able to just be silent
silent and still these quick hits just aren’t enough you know in a marriage if
I only met with my husband for 10 minutes first thing in the morning like I think I can do with the Lord we ever
have a real relationship no turn off the
noise some of the things that people like to do is listen to instrumental music you know to something that doesn’t
have words in it so it doesn’t start to actually kind of give you ideas of what God is saying that gets our flesh in the
way again or go out in creation some people have um chairs and and setups you
know places that actually set them apart because if you have kids like we do maybe sometimes there actually can be
an interruption as well during that time and I have to tell you my brain is
always going the minute I’m up it’s on and so to be able to silence the noise sometimes I have to have a pad of paper
right by me cuz it’s amazing how the minute I sit down with a journal or my Bible the first thing I know is what
groceries we need or you know if I could if I just did a load of laundry right now then I wouldn’t have to that’s how
my mind works so you just have to get it out you have to take captive these
things this is what scripture says 2 Corinthians 10:5 we demolish all arguments and every pretention that sets
itself up against the knowledge of God we take captive every thought and we make it obedient to Christ and then we
can silence everything around us and then you have to renew your
mind scripture says don’t copy the behavior and customs of the world but
let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think I grew up
in a home that really didn’t even know anything about hearing from God this was
so new to me I had to be open this is what this is talking about let God
transform you let him change your mind about some things maybe that you thought
were the way that they’re supposed to be be open to that renewal see God is
always speaking that is a truth I’ll never forget when my husband he just
came to the Lord about five years ago and he immediately had words from the Lord and he said you know what I always
had those I would just logic my way out and I would just push them down be open
to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and be careful to not muzzle the
holy spirit scripture here first Thessalonians at the end sayso not quench subdue or be unresponsive to the
working and guidance of the holy spirit let the helper help
you and then again just trust him to do what he said he would do those are
Jesus’s words in John not mine trust him that he is going to send the helper to
talk to you about your work and how to help you in your work so how can we actually tune our
ears though to be able to identify God’s voice just like we did with Morgan
Freeman years ago our precious Holly beatbo co-founder found this
slide and this has been such a treat for us because it’s true and this is how
we’ve learned to calibrate our spiritual ears so that we can hear God’s voice compared to Satan’s voice because God
calms Satan obsesses God encourages Satan
discourages God’s voice Stills Satan’s voice rushes us through
things these are ways this is a process for us to go okay I think I’m I think
I’m hearing from the Holy Spirit but what are some of the ways that God
actually speaks and I’m just going to give you a really quick
rundown uh the biggest way that God speaks is through his written word his
logos word this is basically kind of his will for for his people and it you are
void of the main way that God speaks to people if you do not open your Bible
regularly he has a lot to say and we also have the Living Word or the Rama
word kind of a specific word for a specific time and a specific need you
know this is where the Holy Spirit can highlight words in scripture or all of a sudden bring a word to mind for someone
for just that time dreams and Visions we see it with Joseph in the Bible this is
how God speaks to me actually and he has given me a host of decisions that I
needed to make he’s answered my questions in my dreams I even heard one
time somebody say you know if that’s how God speaks to you you could ask him before you go to bed about this decision
and I did that I asked Lord are we supposed to move forward with this team member what are we supposed to do and
literally that night he gave me a vision of what I was to do dreams and Visions
God can speak to people that way he speaks through creation we’re part of his creation of course he would speak
through his creation so open your eyes like Cal said if you’re seeking the kingdom then you’ll see it he also
speaks through coincidences right those Divine moments or sometimes it might sound to us like
well just something told me that I should reach out to you somebody told me that I should just check on you those
aren’t coincidences those are the nudging of the holy spirit for you I’ll never forget one time my husband Andrew
and I we had a vehicle and we didn’t know what to do with it and he uh had
just found the Lord and we were praying about it you know we were like okay this is what you do you pray about it and so you ask God God what would you like for
us to do with this truck could you help us in this situation and then we literally went about our day we were going to dinner with our best friends I
started to get dressed and ready Andrew of course was ready a half an hour before me and ding dong the doorbell
rings and a Man shows up at our front door and he says hey hey I was driving
by your culdesac and I saw your truck I’ve been searching for months for a
truck for my son just like that would you be willing to sell
it that truck left our driveway the next day we’re not going to muzzle the Holy
Spirit and of course God speaks through other people you know be open to hearing from wise counsel Spirit knows
Spirit also God talks sometimes through thought and Impressions that’s what we call it sometimes people might call it
their conscience but we call them thought Impressions we think that really solidifies it one time I was with a team
member and I was trying to help her BEC to stay with us I thought man if I can
just encourage her in her work she seems to be struggling you know that’s the right thing to do and while I’m with her
the Lord says to me I have this thought impression does that look like someone who’s thriving who
no I was trying to keep her in a role and help encourage her to stay in a role
that wasn’t bringing life actually wasn’t thriving now the thing is that’s not all
the ways that God speaks again we see in scripture Where Angels spoke right audible voices look God is infinitely
creative just don’t muzzle the Holy Spirit calibrate your ears to hear his
voice and we often teach our leaders and our team members you know when you hear
from the Lord sometimes you’re like that’s my voice but it doesn’t sound like something I would ever do or say
and sometimes that’s when we go okay that must be you God because I don’t want to do that or I you know you’re
scared or you have an act of obedience you have to have but I don’t want you just to hear
my stories because there are so many people in our organization that hear from the holy spirit so I want to invite
some of my friends to join me on this stage so if y’all will come on up I want to introduce you to some of our team at
beatbo homes this is TJ Stevens TJ is on our construction team he actually helps
coach other builders construction people in our organization and this is Allison
and Allison is an architect you know by education and recently um been added to
the management team leading that designing all of our elevations and our floor plans and then Jonathan is our
sales Guru broadcast journalism major who never knew he would be such a sales
expert and he has joined us so if y’all will just grab a seat we can get started because I want
y’all to hear from them because this group is an amazing group of people they
all started as a Frontline team member just like I did um and I’ve watched God work through that and so TJ I do want to
start with you you know we were talking earlier scripture says that God would help us bring to remembrance things you
know on behalf of other people and I know you have a story like that so will you share that with the audience
absolutely um so a few months ago um a teammate and I one of my teammates and I
we went to a region to spend some time with one of our construction managers um
this construction manager he was fairly new to that position um new to the region um and that region itself had
just been going through a lot at that time um they had uh some unexpected um repairs they had to make
and um had some issues with their trade Partners yeah and just the the team itself was just going through some
personal things some personal hardships and and so we just felt like we were supposed to go over there and just spend some time with them and encourage them
and so uh throughout the day while we were there we uh we realized that he
wasn’t in a very good place at that time um just really struggling and so
uh after lunch we we met with him and um in a cuack on one of our neighborhoods
and uh we were just trying to show him like trying to speak into him and
encourage him of all the good things God’s doing around him and uh it seemed like every time we
would you know bring up something good he would respond with something bad that
was going on in in at that time yeah um and so we just kept we just kept doing
it and while we were sitting there talking I just kept asking the Lord I said Lord what is it that that he needs
to hear what is it that that I could say
or that you could say through me that could help change his perspective and and make him stop looking at all the
things that are going wrong and focus at all the good things that you’ve done and I just heard the Lord say remind him who
put him in in that position to begin with and also remind him what I say
about him and so I started doing that I just I started just speaking and telling
him just reminding him of how the Lord orchestrated for him to be appointed for
that position that he was the man that God chose for that position and as I’m sitting there speaking to him the Lord’s
just downloading things into my spirit of conversations that I had had had with
his Builders um where they had told me you know what kind of a man he was what kind
of a father he was what kind of a leader he was and as and so I start I start
speaking that into him and just telling him like Hey this is what your team says about you and as I as I’m doing that the
Lord reminds me of another conversation that I had with his with one of his teammates and I had asked her I
said I said how is he how how how is he doing right now and she said he’s doing
great he’s an amazing leader and I said what what is it about him that makes him an amazing
leader and she said he has a way of of pastoring and shepherding his people and
he loves them the way that their father loves them and so I shared that with
him and just all of a sudden he just like Falls forward and
just begins to weep and at first I’m like What’s Happening
yeah what’s what’s going on like you know we’re in construction did somebody just hit my boy with a two before you
know something’s going on and then I just felt like I was just supposed to wrap my arms around him and so that’s
what I did I wrapped my arms around him and I just began to speak over him and and Speak Life into him and uh whenever
you know I felt like eternity that we were there but mind you this is happening in the cue saac with tons of
Trad kids other teammates everybody just staring at us like you know something’s wrong with those people but um you know
we we finally he he had stopped crying and he looked at me and he was like you have no idea what you just said and he
said my wife and I we went through a season where we felt like we were supposed to be ordained
ministers and every time we would we would try and we would get so close to being ordained it would just be ripped
away from us and he said
I began to believe the lies and I I began to to think that that myti my
identity was in that and it had been taken away from me and I just looked at
him and I just I told him I said man you’re doing what you’ve always been
called to do yeah you are pastoring and you are leading your people you you may not have a piece of
paper that says you were ordained but you were ordained by your father yeah
amen the the one the one voice that does matter says that you are called you
equipped you are you are qualified and so I began to tell him that and man it
was it was just such a powerful moment for both of us um he he didn’t know at
the time like so we we get done and and I start walking back to my truck and I
I’m just like taking deep slow breaths and I’m just asking God like what just happened like what just happened in this
cue saac and what he didn’t know was I was in a similar season of wondering
does does what I’m doing does it matter am I being effective in what I do
with the people around me with our Builders and with our construction managers and and so I’m I’m sitting
there just asking the Lord like what happened and I just felt so sweetly the Lord said that is why you’re
here that is why I have put you in your position you are doing what I’ve called you to
do and so yeah wow isn’t that how he works though he multiplies the impact
more obedient to his word yes ma’am that’s so awesome thank you TJ and now
Allison I know your story is a little bit different and so we had kind of talked about thought Impressions and I
know you were just joining the management group and you kind of had something come to mind that was what you
thought you know not ordinary for you so will you share that story too absolutely um so I had a fellow team
member she was on maternity leave for a very long time so she was just coming back uh getting back into the ropes of
things enjoying life just being back on the team um very happy to be around adult faces again instead of a screaming
child and um just overall seemed very cheerful the cheerful attitude that we
had missed for so long um so nothing seemed out of the ordinary but I had this itch this thought that just said
hey you need to go check on her privately um check check in on specifically how she’s doing at home and
I’m not skilled at picking up on social cues so I was like that’s weird um she seems
great apparently there are others who understand that thank you I feel validated um and
so I was like that’s she seems fine I I don’t know where this come from it’s probably just a passing thought uh so I
let it go on for a few days and and this thought just kept coming back to mind and she seemed great she was getting
back into work and what she was doing around the office but finally we had an opportunity uh to speak privately and we
were just getting back into the rhythm of things hey how’s how are you comb back at work or how’s life with a baby
um she was just so cheerful and expressing all of her story she loved being a mom um and she was just so happy
in the place of life that she was in but that thought came to my mind again and
it said you need a check on her so I finally asked I said hey how’s things at
home and she kind of paused and she took a breath and she confided that things had
been a little tense between her and her in-laws since having a child that while their relationship was great beforehand
something changed when she had their grandchild specifically their first grandchild and she was really struggling
with it and I’ve never been in that situation before so I didn’t have any
advice to give her so I just listened and I was able to be a comfort for her in that moment and that’s all the
support that she needed at that time she told me afterwards that she was just very grateful to have someone to talk to
about it someone to lay out all of her feelings and get her thoughts in order um to go through that period She didn’t
need someone to fix it for her she just needed someone there for her yeah but that didn’t come from me that thought
was nothing that I picked up I was not seeing that she needed that conversation that came from someone much
greater than me someone who was preparing me to be ready for that conversation in that moment what I did
was I just listened and was ready for her when she needed it how many times did you have that
thought periodically throughout a few days yeah but the main point was that it
never left it just kept coming back and I think we’ve all been there where the Lord just keeps bringing something to us
for someone and so that’s how we can know too right absolutely so okay so
Jonathan you became a sales manager yes for us as we expanded and you like went
from a small team and then your team was growing and so tell us about how you were asking the Lord for some help in
your leadership yeah so um like you mentioned I had been a leader for just
about uh four months uh with with my sales team and um there was a lot of
excitement a lot of things happening and and a lot of good things were happening right and uh I I pride myself myself on
often times actually overc communicating and so making sure communication is there and that everybody’s kind of for
lack of a better term driving um is important to me right and um I began to sense just kind of amongst the team that
somewhere there was a communication breakdown and um it just wasn’t hitting
um where it needed to hit and things just were kind of uh maybe falling through the cracks or um people were
just getting you know a little frustrated and and ultimately like it kind of got me frustrated cuz like man I
I pride myself on this like I I a lot of eye right um and so I can fix this I
need to fix this we need to figure this out and so finally um I just really kind of threw my hands up in the air and was like man Lord like I I don’t know what
needs to happen here like in all my experience I’ve been in every roll up to this point on a sales team except for
sales manager and at this point um I don’t know what needs to happen here and so I began to pray about it and I found
myself about a week later um in this training um for a disc a dis training if
you don’t know anything about a dis it’s a personality um kind of assessment that we we give at beaten bow and that we
talk a lot about but it also has a lot of um communication aspects to it and it really does a great job of breaking down
how to communicate between different personality Styles and um I was really excited about the training because I was
like oh man this is going to be great like we’re going to be able to help buyers and help U my team communicate to
prospects and and homeowners and and it’s just going to really Shore up that communication and as I begin to sit in
this this uh training I started to learn about how okay there’s there’s this team graph and you
can kind of um put different team members on this graph and begin to look at how communication Styles and how
people communicate to one another how I communicate with them and I the Lord starts to kind of remind me and start
bring back like hey like this can be used on your team and I’m like yeah God like yeah with with Buyers right um and
just as a training continued we get done and I’m like man I this is this is I think what I’ve been what I’ve been
looking for um and so ultimately took it back to my team and I hadn’t really
broken down anything at that point I was just excited about it but I finally sat down mapped everything out and um at the
kind of the the core of it all um was the exact verbage that we had been looking for and when I kind of brought
the team in to look at it it was literally just like kind of that audible aha moment for all of us to kind of be
like oh wow this is this is kind of where some of this is stemming from and and here’s some adjustments we can make
here and and here’s some opportunities we can make here and kind of sitting even before really we started talking
about hey what what are some stories that have happened and reflecting on um how the Lord Works in our our daily life
when we invite him in it really didn’t come to mind um it took that that opportunity of reflection of like man
Lord like I was to your point earlier kind of accounting those as coincidences and just like these things that happen
but when we truly then invite the Lord in he takes those coincidences and uses his intentionality as as the God that he
is of of intentionality to take us on this journey um and really he he is continuing to take us on this journey
right nothing’s just fixed right away um the Lord is kind enough to continue to walk through US walk through things with
us and um continue to speak to us and it’s a daily invitation but um really highlighted that training and kind of
that communication piece and and how the team was able to to come together on that to to realize that that he’s in the
little details and when we when we invite him and when I stop trying to fix everything and allow him into my my work
in my daily life then um he’s faithful to to provide those opportunities I love that too because at first you said I I I
statements I know if youall caught that uh every time you catch yourself saying a lot of eyes I’ve learned uhoh maybe
there’s a pride issue here if I’m saying I me a lot and so I love it because when you’re saying that you stopped and you
just you got low you know and then the Lord gets to work um I think what I love
about these stories is were any of them like spooky or scary
the way that God talked sometimes I think we’re just afraid to go with you know to talk to him to be with him and
rest with him but that’s not how this loving God works and that’s what I love
so much about this you know he’s so accessible to us even in our work he cares about that because he cares about
everyone around us that’s the thing none of those stories actually you know they weren’t at the heart of any of that that
God was talking about it had impact far beyond each of you um and I know when we
were together prepping for this part of the panel uh TJ just he said something
that I thought was really great and um sweet and profound um that I asked him just to wrap us up with um today what
did you tell us hearing from God is like
so all it is is just a conversation like like we’re we’re
sitting here and we’re having a conversation yes there’s a lot there’s a lot of people in the room you know but
we’re we’re sitting here having a conversation and that’s what the Lord wants he just wants to have a
conversation and you know for years you know growing up man I thought that I had
to I had to have all of my stuff like all my all my ducks in a row in order
just to come sit at his feet I I had to have everything figured out just to be in his presence and he doesn’t want that
he wants to be our friend he wants to be our brother he wants to be our father and so he he invites Us in and he
just wants us to sit at his feet and just have a conversation yeah that’s all it is we don’t have to have it all
figured out sometimes all all we need is just to sit at his feet and maybe there’s not a conversation it’s just
we’re sitting in the presence of our father and that’s it and that’s more than enough yeah it’s not getting mixed
up that you know our prayers I think often times we’re talking to God or asking God for something but maybe we’re
not on the other the receiving side of the conversation and a real relationship can’t be a one-way conversation and so
that’s why hearing from God is so important because I and I’m sure all of us want to be like Moses and talk to God
like a friend and that’s what we get to do we have a conversation so please thank my panelist for coming up
here yeah y go ahead thank you guys so much sharing your story
well we have one last portion of this segment that I’d like to talk through
maybe I’m going to hit on this scripture yes 1 Corinthians
141 I’ll never forget the first time I read this and I went wow this is why
this is so important pursue love and earnestly desire the spiritual gift gifts especially that you may prophesy
that you can hear and be a spokesman for the Lord and it says on the other hand the one who prophesies speaks to the
people for their upbuilding encouragement and consolation that’s what these three just told us about
today they actually receive the advantage of the Holy Spirit to love others love God love your neighbor
that’s what they were doing as they received the advantage and so what could it be like
for all all of us to have that what if you could do that for those around you
well we want to practice today and so we’re just going to take a little bit of time to do that together and so I want
you to grab a piece of paper and a pen and we’re going to get to hear from
the Lord we’re going to silence the noise and put on some instrumental music
and then we’re going to invite the helper the Holy Spirit we say Come Holy Spirit right now now and we ask you to
be with us and we are going to write a love letter to ourselves from God and
I’m going to tell you uh when you start a letter there’s always a formal greeting you know if it was but this is
not uh to whom it may concern that’s not how God would address you so please
don’t do that but he might say something like my son or my daughter he could say
dear Gina or he might say beloved Gina just let the holy spirit guide you
in that but the Lord has something for you he loves you and he wants to talk to
you about that and so we’re just going to take a small amount of time to calibrate our ears and hear from him on
what he has for us and we’re just going to open our notebooks and have our pen ready and we’ll just give you a few
minutes to do that now
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Tags: Hearing from God, jeanna Roach