Kingdom At Work
[The information referenced in this blog is extracted from an interview on the subject of “Whose Business Is It? with Heath Hill, Owner of Lime Media.]
Heath Hill is a devoted Christian, husband, and father. In 2005 he sold his landscaping business and started Lime Media, an experiential marketing agency in Rockwall, Texas. They allow customers to experience brands in person, building loyalty and increasing brand awareness. Their team goes all over the country providing immersive marketing experiences. Lime Media is a Kingdom business, but they’ve had a fascinating journey into fully releasing their business to God. Here’s a bit of their story…
Both Lime Media and Heath were in a bad place after his business partner wrecked one of the company’s vehicles, stole the insurance money, ran up a credit card, and left the business. During this difficult season, Heath went to an inner-city revival and received the first prophetic word of his life. The Lord said that within fourteen days, Heath would be repaid seven times what had been stolen from him. And he was.
From that point on, Heath began turning his company into God’s business. Here are some principles he learned along the way:
Give Generously
Lime Media, from the beginning, invested in the Kingdom by writing checks to ministries. As the company grew, so did their commitment to giving generously. Not wanting to ever be less generous to others than God has been to them, they found a giving model that worked for Lime Media—half a percent of gross sales with another half percent added each year. They’re at five percent of gross sales now.
Lead Well
Heath realized the next step in giving control of his business to God was to take better care of his people. The company was being blessed and giving generously, but that success was coming at the expense of their people. So Lime Media drastically changed their infrastructure, hiring more people and adding middle management so that leaders had no more than five direct-reports. Supernaturally, the profit margin went up after this drastic increase in payroll!

Defend the Culture
Lime Media’s company culture rests on the core values of Love, Accountability, and Evolution. They are committed to win/win/win scenarios for their clients, company, and employees. Relationships, communication, integrity, and continuous improvement are in this company’s DNA. Heath brings his new leaders to Kingdom Leadership Workshops to help get their buy-in. He’s excited about the possibility of sending his team to the Work With Purpose Conference.
At Lime Media, leaders prioritize one-on-ones with their team members, even when it’s hard to find the time. They provide corrections in a loving and honoring way. They work to eliminate limiting mindsets. They’re learning to celebrate their wins.
Hear from God
A board member from Betenbough Companies travelled to Rockwall to spend a day training Lime Media’s team to, among other things, hear from God in their daily work. That experience remains one of the biggest highlights of Heath’s professional career.
Asking God for direction and trusting Him to guide them is an area of constant growth for this team. Heath trusts his leaders to seek God and hear His answer. The Lime Media leaders humble themselves to be led by God and held accountable, and God just keeps showing up.
Persevere Through Hardship
Since committing to operating as a Kingdom business, Lime Media has seen astonishing, even supernatural, growth in every area. But things haven’t been easy. They’ve endured all the typical problems and challenges that come with running a business. Yet in the midst of trials, they continue to experience God’s love, grace, and mercy.
Heath would tell you that he no longer wants to run his business. He just wants to manage God’s business. And he’s grateful to Kingdom at Work for helping him learn how.
For more information on the Kingdom Leadership Workshop, click here.
For more information on the Work With Purpose Conference, click here.