okay I know it’s hard to fit it all in but I am between you and lunch this
afternoon so I’m going to just get started I’m so happy to be back up here
so I’m not going to introduce myself but I just want to start by talking a little bit about the Old Testament because we
have probably all read in the Old Testament right and maybe there’s one
thing that tends to just leap out at us and it was that God was speaking to
people I mean people were hearing from God like actually hearing from him verbally take a look at this
list these are the 23 individuals that scripture tells us for sure heard from
God directly I know that you recognize many of those names and plus there are
prophets right who it’s implied heard directly from God then there’s a whole bunch of other individual ual who got to
hear from God indirectly through things like a whirlwind and even a Shrek like
talking donkey in Exodus the entire assembly of Israelites hundreds of thousands to
maybe more than a million people are at Mount Si and they hear God’s voice
directly it happened in this booming like loudspeaker kind of way when he gave
them the 10 commandments now when we read about that we probably think wow
and we’re kind of jealous actually like why can’t that happen right now it seems like the Old Testament you know it’s
like the good old days we put on our rose-colored glasses I mean God was talking plainly to his people the Holy
Spirit was anointing and empowering people to win battles tear down temples and do all of these awesome things and
we’re like why can’t we have that today well actually it’s because God had
a better plan for us you see in the Old Testament the direct
messages and the anointing of the Holy Spirit were actually for the special people priests Kings prophets and then
in these unique circumstances which Cal hinted to bezel in the Old
Testament but that is true until Jesus comes y’all and he changes everything he
is the Ultimate Game Changer consider this scene Jesus is mere hours before he
is going to face the cross and his death and what does he do he promises and
previews to his closest followers the coming of the Holy Spirit chapters 14
and 16 in the Gospel of John set up this like movie trailer of this blockb
Blockbuster film that is going to come in Acts 2 but before the preview Jesus
starts to give us details on the role of the Holy Spirit and how he’ll actually
help us and so I want to review that now but what we need to do is add three
words that we too often doubt and the fact that we tend to doubt
them is one of the main reasons many of us actually are here today and so are you ready those are three little words
they’re including at work this is going to be the interactive part of the show
okay I know Bill likes to do that too but I’m going to point at you after I make some points and have some verses
and you’re going to say including at work okay so let’s just get started
you’re going to get better as we go I know it John 14-16 says here and I will ask
the father and he will give you another helper to be with you
forever yes okay nicely done we’re still it’s going to get louder I know it nice
and as we repeat it though the plan is actually y’all that we start believing it so next verse John 14:26 then he
tells us but the helper and he says that’s the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you
all things and bring to remembrance all that I have said to you including at
work exactly including at work in these two
verses the Holy Spirit tells us is going to be our teacher and he’s going to help us recall things see the holy spirit
it’s like a hearing from God hard drive we can recall the things that we have
actually received and store from him as the Holy Spirit AIDS us and assists us
with that and from using hard drives at work you probably know that they hold around 1 to two terabytes of information
so let’s just explore that for a minute a single terabyte can hold
250,000 photos 6 and5 million document Pages if you
printed that out that could fill more than 1300 physical filing cabinets and
the role of the holy spirit is to be like that with us including at work that is how this can
be but I’ll never forget the first time actually that this happened to me I was
struggling with a teammate we will call him Bob because that’s his name obviously of course why would I make up
a name anyway Bob and my personalities y’all they could not be more different
that’s a nice way of me uh saying our communication styles were totally
opposite and you know mine being great and Bob’s of course being not as great
isn’t that how we see our co-workers I mean truly and every time I received an email
from him I could feel his digs I could feel his criticism ISM and honestly I
just kind of felt worse about myself and my work and it just hurt it hurt my
feelings and one day Bob sent me another one of those Zinger emails and I had had
enough and just like in the cartoons I felt like steam was coming out of my
ears and so I decided that’s it I’m going to go blast Bob by venting to our
manager and so well actually nope I can’t cuz our manager wasn’t there that
day so still steaming hot mad I decided to do the next best thing I thought I am
going to go and I’m going to blast Bob by you know just um sharing some of
these things with my cooworker best friend some of y’all have those at work right in fact I was literally on my way
and I’m talking work Walking With a Purpose those heels were clicking and I was headed straight to her and then all
of a sudden I felt easy and I slowed down and I remembered something that we had been talking about
as a team and it was this if a fellow believer hurts you go and tell him work
it out between the two of you if he listens you’ve made a friend but if he
won’t listen take one or two others along so that the presence of witnesses will keep things honest and try again
when that nudge hit my mind I literally stopped in my tracks I went back to my
workstation and I emailed Bob and said hey could we meet oneon-one he agreed and we did I shared how his
emails actually were coming across to me the comments the tone I shared my hurt
feelings I mean he just listened to all of it and then when I finally gave him a chance to talk I was completely
shocked he responded with compassion he actually shared
his intent his perspective and I realized how much I
had misunderstood and that day I went from a poor relationship in little to no trust
with Bob to this strong work collaboration and friendship that went on for years to
come all because of the holy spirit cuz none of that would happen without this
Holy Spirit hard drive thing happening in my life right at
work now the thing about hard drives though is they store data right and so
when this happens is the holy spirit is helping you recall what you input so you need to make sure that what you are
inputting is worthy of recalling that is so important so don’t allow the busyness
of your life to rob you from spending time in God’s word he wants to speak to
you through through his word so I want to give you a combination insight and application that has helped me and it
will help you again and again and it’s this read to recall read to receive if
you want to hear from God including at your work you have to receive his will by reading his word there is no shortcut
or Plan B you guys read to recall read to receive now in some Bible
translations that you might have seen the holy spirit is stated not as our help ER but as our Advocate and this
isn’t a contradiction it’s just simply providing like another perspective of the original Greek text an advocate is
like a counselor someone right who supports our interests and speaks on our behalf just like an attorney a counselor
would do when he pleads a case so all right get ready for a queue the Bible
says The Advocate will serve as the spirit of Truth in our lives including
at work so back in 2020 I actually
experienced both aspects of the holy spirit’s role right in the midst of my work at that time I was Beaton bohol’s
vice president of sales and marketing a very cool demanding role um the sales
team reported to me the marketing team reported to me and actually many of the people in Midland and Odessa actually
reported to me and one day I received a call from my boss saying that the beaten boo company’s full board would like to
talk to me tomorrow like okay and the purpose was
to hear my thoughts on marketing concerning the other businesses within the beaten bow organization and not just
beatbo homes and so I thought sure no big deal you know maybe they actually just want my advice and that was my
thought and I didn’t think much of it until later that night I was writing on my pelaton bike in my house and about 3
miles into that ride I felt a nudge from the Lord and I thought huh this time it wasn’t
recalling a verse like before but it was a providing a forword message advocating
for me actually preparing me and he said there’s a shift
coming I thought okay so I prayed about that all night that shift whatever that
might be but it actually gave me the peace to walk in to that board meeting the next day and have a discussion with
that group and timately we decided that we would split off marketing for my group and create this consult buted
marketing team led not by a vice president not a VP but a director and
they would focus on all beaten Bose businesses and I thought wow that is a
shift and oh it was just getting started cuz I
remember as I was looking at that I said well who do we think is going to lead this new team
and that is when Rick beatbo looked at me and he said Gina there’s only one person here who could really do that job
and it’s you well but that would be a major
demotion that would be a pay cut mhm they told me to get back with them
with what I wanted to do and I’m going to tell y’all I remember praying for hours and just crying who wants that
this was a this was going to change my life in personal and professional ways that I had not been prepared for except
God told me a shift is coming so I had to decide would I stay on the beaten boo homes sales side and
keep my VP title or would I take on this marketing role and have a smaller more
dedicated team with a more humbler title either way a demotion and a pay cut and
I have to be honest I didn’t exactly love either option but I kept praying about it and the next morning God woke
me up with all of these ideas for marketing that I had never ever had before and then he nudged me
again and he told me this he said Gina this will look like less in
the world but it will be much more in the Kingdom again God and His holy spirit
were helping me and advocating for me right then so I knew I had to take the Lesser more focused
role and it was the difference for me that made the difference everything
changed I became better in all of my roles team member teammate leader wife
mom volunteer to my community and then everything just became much more to me I
had more peace I had more joy I had more Vision as I stepped into this new season
than ever before but here’s the thing as I listened to the Holy Spirit little did
I know that I would have this role today I didn’t know how this story would play out that I would eventually be
CEO but my goodness the Holy Spirit was there and he wants to help you you know
he wants to help you recall things and tell you so that he can be your helper and your advocate in your life
including at work okay but it’s one thing to know that the Holy Spirit speaks to us including work but it’s
another to be in the right place to actually be able to hear from him to hear God’s voice we have to actually
train our ear to hear him Jesus explicitly says this in John 10:27 he
says my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me he tells us that
we can hear his voice and we can know it’s him but experience has shown us
that this doesn’t happen automatically that we have a part to play and that is
we have to train our ears to recognize the voice of God so I want to do a little experiment and I’m going to play
three short voices for you and I want you to carefully listen and then I want you to raise your hand the Nano second
that you know whose voice it is don’t yell it out loud just raise your hand and hey look if you don’t know it it’s
okay just don’t raise your hand make sense okay let’s play clip one I wrote a
letter I was about 600 or 7 as you say I was in Sweden and I wanted to come home I wanted to go back to the sandbox I
wanted to go see my buddy Scott Bramwell I wanted I wanted that life again yes in No Hands went up for Donnie
o I’m not sure many of you even know who Donnie Osmond is if I’m honest anymore
let’s try clip two Katie I know that having a boyfriend may seem like the most important thing
in the world right now but you don’t have to dumb yourself down to get guys to like you I know how would I know
right not many hands went up for Tina Fay in the wildly popular movie you know
Mean Girls okay let’s try the last one I’m just going to play one sentence this time raise your hand the minute the
second that you know who it is I find I’m so excited I can barely
sit still a whole of thought in my head yeah did not take long did it to
figure that one out that it was Morgan Freeman but how did you know that one and not the others actually you know
Morgan Freeman Freeman has narrated dozens of documentaries and films right
that you have no doubt listened to and yes his voice is distinctive but it’s your frequency of listening to him that
causes you to actually recognize that it was him without even seeing his face
this is how God works with us you can recognize his voice as well including at
work and the more frequently that you intentionally lean in and try to listen the more you will hear from him because
listening actually increases hearing but you have to be intentional but you
are designed by God to hear from God but there are so many voices trying to get your attention it’s what Bill talked
about and they want to derail you from what God has for you so here are some
ways to just know that it’s God’s voice versus some of the voices that you hear
in the world you know if it brings shame y’all is not from God if it’s calm it’s
God if it obsesses it’s not God if it’s comforting it is God but maybe sometimes
it looks more like this in your work where you’re like I’m only as good as my last win I have to keep achieving and
achieving and achieving and God says you already have an A+ Gina don’t worry
about that or you go I’m I’m not enough and he says you’re a
masterpiece it’s all on me I need to just hustle harder how often have you heard that and God says trust me and I
will provide but here’s another hard truth that even when God speaks are we capable
actually of hearing him in our work and maybe especially at work cuz we find
ourselves in maximum mode if I looked at many of your calendars they’re probably
very very full and then we’re constantly pinging ourselves with notifications and
and information and entertainment with lots and lots of noise so we have to
change that and get in a position to actually hear from God and to be able to hear from you have
to silence the noise but how can we do that you know you can sneak away you can
find a quiet spot and turn off notifications but I know all the time that’s not just the best way to do that
in the middle of the work day really it’s about simply being still can you
find 10 seconds of Stillness in the middle of your day could you stop that long and see what God has for you longer
is better of course but 10 seconds of Stillness could change everything it’s exactly what happened to me with Bob all
right let’s talk about how the ways you know how God speaks these are 12 different ways that God speaks and has
spoken and there’s probably some that are missing but I’ll tell you what I’ve noticed in our culture is that there are
three main ways that he has spoken to us at work and number seven is highlighted here those holy spirit nudges that I’ve
already talked about it’s the one that had me going to Bob to talk to him but it also includes number one which was
scripture I was reading in scripture Our team was reading in
scripture but the Holy Spirit has to have something to work with you guys so
we have to be in number one it’s God’s General will for every single one of us
but one of the clearest ways to know that you’re hearing from God rather than just listening to your own desires of
those world’s voices or to seek out wise counselors scripture tells us to do this it says a
wise man will hear and increase learning and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel wise counselors are people
with wrinkles they have scars they have been through some stuff yet they have
lives filled with joy and generosity these are people who are battle tested
in their faith and they can help you know if it’s God’s voice or someone
else’s so seek out people with scars you need those people in your life because
they will help you know if you’re clearly hearing from the Lord now some
of the ways God speaks might sound very practical like that one right wise counselors but some of those on the list
that you saw maybe not as practical like the Holy Spirit nudges or maybe the
dreams and Visions caught you or creation which is why I can’t wait for
you to meet some of my friends that are going to come up here and join me and they’re going to tell you stories of how
they have heard from God at work and when you hear from them you are going to be able to say yes I can hear from God
including at work so please welcome my friends to the stage to join
us welcome hello this is Jesse and Mari and Ben and they are on our beaten B
Homes team in development and on our support side and Jesse’s in warranty and I’m so
excited for y’all to get to hear from them and not just me because they have some incredible um stories and so uh
first I just want to ask the question like what are the ways that you know God speaks to you most frequently Jesse why
don’t you kick us off yeah I call it um thought Impressions I get a thought that pops in
my head that I don’t think is so Random yeah what about you Mari for me A lot of
times it feels like God highlights people I might walk into a room and there’s one person that I’m just drawn
to um it also feels like sometimes God turns Up the Volume like people will be
talking and all of a sudden I’m incredibly tuned in to a phrase or a few words um so those are some of the ways
that it happens and honestly it’s it just makes me pause and say like what’s going on here I look around I’m like
nobody else seems like they think that’s that important but it’s all I can think about so that’s what it’s like for me
yeah doesn’t seem like something you would do and even in some cases maybe people that you would normally be like
connected to right yeah I mean it is it really feels like I don’t know why this
is standing out to me this is not something I would normally pick up on uh these are people I see every day but why
all of a sudden is it like this one person I’m just drawn to like God has something for me here it’s awesome okay
and Ben I know God speaks to you differently so what is that yeah uh one
of the ways God speaks to me a lot is through nature and his creation um
really what it happens is uh just watching the Earth come up and his creation awaken it gets my heart in a
spot to hear what he’s saying yeah it makes sense I mean scripture talks about
that you know all creation cries out and so I think for me I mean I mentioned
earlier that I am a a marketing girl that’s how I started in my career and I
kind of think in pictures like I might not know a company’s name but I’ll be like I know that logo and I know the
picture and so I think I shouldn’t be surprised that God will give me pictures of things sometimes so he won’t just
nudge me but I have had lots of dreams and Visions over the years and I think
as a young kid I wrote those off where you sometimes wake up and you’re like that seemed odd or weird and I know
anymore that that’s not true and I really start to pray about those and try to understand them I may had gone to
like um there are books that you can go to that help you understand maybe what God is trying to say to you while you’re
sleeping while you’re resting um so he wants to speak to all of us we are created uniquely and so he’s going to
speak to each of us in a unique way all the time and so okay Ben but I want to
hear a story share a story about how you know you were in the midst of God’s creation and he spoke to you about
something in your work yeah so we um had given a new trade partner a contractor a
job in Midland for the first time and everything that could have went wrong on
this job did and went wrong again um I was at a spot personally where just a
little frustrated and in my head was this is this guy’s last job for sure um
the next morning I started my day out in the field and and watched the sun come up and um God put my heart in a spot to
hear him and and he was just talking identity over me and uh who we are in him and that’s holy and complete and
Sanctified and made for good works and so much more and I’m sitting in there in
that thought with him and all of a sudden uh this trade partner pulls up beside me and um he’s visibly distraught
emotional and just starts opening the floodgates uh how sorry he was for how
the job went to um stuff that was going on personally with
him and I was as I was there I was thinking you know this morning I just
didn’t hear that for me I heard it for us and um during that conversation um realized
that everything that went wrong on that job wasn’t his fault and I got to share that with him um we’re not the sum of
our mistakes M and our choices that’s not who we are Colossians 2:10 says in
him we have been made complete and he is the head of all Rule and Authority so during that moment we really got to
have a real conversation about life about work um about our friendship and
we’re still getting to do that to this day wow that’s awesome yeah yay for that
no and that’s not iCal I think often times in a work environment you know and it’s like people think they’re
Expendable and and so I love that you did that for him what a blessing you know and it’s often times when God
speaks to us it’s not just for us again that would just be us focusing on ourselves sometimes you know and so
asking him is that for someone so thanks for sharing that Ben okay Mario I know
yours because you were talking about highlighting people God highlighting people and things share a story with us too yes my story is going to begin with
with a trip to Sonic um and on this trip to Sonic my order got a little mixed up
and I ended up with a cherry limeade that I did not order and so I thought
okay what what what am I to do here and so I decided you know I’m going to keep it and I just asked the Lord I was
headed back to the office and I said like show me who this goes to who who needs this cherry limeade today and I
have about 30 people that I work with in the office and so I entered the door that day just ready like who is it Lord
talked to people stopped had moments of conversation and I did not feel like
anyone like I didn’t feel a pull I didn’t feel like God highlighted a single person for that cherry lime maid
so I thought okay took it to my office set it down but I had to go to The
copier and The copier was around the corner from my office and when I rounded the corner I spotted Zach a coworker
sitting at his desk and he was typing away at reports he looked super busy and as soon as I saw him I knew oh this is
this is the one like this is the one who’s going to get the cherry limeade the problem was I had never seen Zach
drink anything but an energy drink this man does not drink Cherry Lime mids um
and he was also really busy and so I I hesitated it was a moment like talking
to God like oh you sure it’s Zach cuz he looks really busy I don’t want to bother him and God would not drop it he was
real pushy and so I ran back to my office and I grabbed that drink and I went to Zach and I said hey Zach do you
want this cherry limeade and Zach agreed to take it but he did not look that thrilled if I’m
being honest and so I headed back to my office
just okay Lord I I that was the person it went to and about an hour later Zach
showed up in my doorway and he said hey I don’t know if you know this but I’ve had a really I’ve
had a rough day and he went on to share with me some big changes that his team
was facing a lot of stress that all of a sudden that day had been dumped in his
lap and he said I don’t know if you know this but if I go to Sonic I always order
a cherry limeade and and he said I just appreciate you bringing that to me so
much like it means it means so much that you thought of me and I just stopped him and I said Zach that was not from me
like God sent you that cherry limeade and he did it so that you would know like he sees you and he cares about
what’s happening in your day right now and it was a really powerful moment because I did not do anything but but
ask the Lord who’s the cherry limeade going to and God used it in a really powerful way just to to show Zach that
that God saw him on a hard day I mean wow even Sonic even it’s Sonic the Lord
is speaking you know well and I love that cuz I think what we were talking about earlier on that like 10 seconds of
Stillness I mean it’s like you ask the Lord who’s it for and and you’re just still you know do I keep it what’s my
next step or you know but if you ask him and then you just get quiet he’ll help
you you know and you and Zach it’s not like y’all were best friends so you didn’t no no not at all that’s why it
was a really it was an odd moment for us both um it was the first Cherry lineate
I’ve ever given Zach it is the last Cherry lineate I’ve ever gotten Zach but um like he needed it that day and the
Lord knew that and so it was really special it built my faith to be a part of it even though it was like I just
entered in it was not anything I planned that day how can I how can I bless Zach
or Zach’s having a hard day I didn’t know Zach was having a hard day but God did yeah that’s so
awesome yeah
okay Jesse you you called them thought Impressions I called them Holy Spirit nudges um earlier kind of the same
really idea where something comes to you you know like a word or a message and so
uh tell us about a story at work that that’s happened for you y so a story at work and it starts with uh being in a
Bible study it was in First Corinthians chapter 2 starting in verse 10 11 and 12
and essentially this is what it says um as I can know my own thoughts because I
have received God’s spirit I get to know God’s thoughts I thought that was neat
and well during that time I was getting a coworker’s name in my head just over
and over again and really similar to Mari it was a little bit odd because I’ve had a few interactions with this
coworker um but it wouldn’t leave my mind so I I conceited and thought okay
maybe this is what First Corinthians is about so I I I asked God I said okay
what do you have for him yeah and in the same way that that
thought it popped into my head and God said uh you are a good father you lead
your family well and you will be a representation of the Father in
heaven and when I heard that I was like like oh that’s so cool so I thought okay
now I need to go tell him and that’s exactly what I did
um I went over and I was like hey um I got something for you and I told him
this is what God said about you really excited and eager and I got a
cool thanks thanks for that and I thought okay nice um and that was really
the extent of that interaction there and we went our ways and and went back to
work well fast forward to a few
months uh this coworker is sharing in a team meeting what is going on in his
life right now and one of the biggest things was is he had just lost a family
member and it was a family member that meant a lot to him and his family because they were the one that
was viewed as the spiritual leader of their household and with this
void um it was hurting him a lot yeah and during that time he had a
family member actually go to him and let him know that you are that spiritual
leader for your family and instantly God reminded him of what he was trying to
tell him months earlier yeah what God had given me but it was for him and that
was the encouragement and I think that mind shift of oh now that is for me that
word was actually for me then and when he shared that there was
two things that that happened that were such a blessing is not only it was a blessing for him but it also increased
my faith as as as what Mari was sharing that it was just like this perfect plan
that God had written up um that it benefited me as well as um
our coworker too yeah it’s just like the scripture says he’ll help you recall things and and teach you and that’s that
help and advocacy and how sweet can that be you know what it’s so fun to get to be a part of it too um and so uh I
talked about dreams and Visions you know I think I’d love your story um Jesse because I was thinking while you’re
talking you know sometimes you do get something from the Lord and your job is just to give it or to pray into it and
you don’t know if it’s going to even come like to fruition in that season you
don’t know what season it’s going to come into fruition and I remember not long ago I was um I was praying and I
was praying about our company I was praying about things and all of a sudden I was dreaming that night and it was so
real that I felt like I was walking in one of our new home centers one of kind of our model home and our operation
and I’m walking and the whole building is shaking and I’m in the middle of an earthquake and I still have no idea what
God is trying to tell me exactly there you know I gave it to the person that I
felt like God was telling me to give it to and have left it there and sometimes you just don’t know but I have no doubt
that it was the Lord because over the years and I’d love for you guys to comment on this I really do believe that
the more that you’re listening the more you will start hearing because when you’re in the middle of giving
these things and you have and you see this kind of impact on people or the strength in relationship you’re inspired
to do it more has that been the case for you all absolutely and I would also say um
God just really Tunes our hearts to it and now when someone’s name comes to
mind if I’m I hear a song on the radio and someone’s name comes to mind I actually think oh this is God has
something for them and so I don’t stop and say like I wonder why I thought about that person I haven’t talked to them in so long that was really weird I
I stop and I pull out my phone after I get to my location safely and then I
text them and I I let them know like hey I I heard this song today I would love
to pass it on to you sometimes it’s a verse that comes to mind but I have found that the more I’ve done it the
more God invites me into it and it’s not as scary yeah
um I’d say the the pressure that gets lifted off um
as these have come more and more of like it’s not um it’s not for me
like what I may hear is actually not for me so the nerves that you may get of
well I know I heard that right but I’m not sure if I should if I should go and say that it’s it’s for the other person
and it’s not for you but the obedience within that I love it because
it’s like how a father loves a child it’s like I want you to go do that thing like like trust
me to go yeah trust me that everything will be
okay and the thoughts I no longer think that that there’s a random thought
anymore if if a person ‘s name as Mari said a song just these things happen
it’s no longer coincidence and the expectation of like what do you have for
this person is something that was learned even during this time so that’s
awesome yeah for me um when speaking to somebody about what the Lord has said
it’s sometimes As Americans as Texans as men we can Define our success in results
and that’s not always the case it’s an obedience um so defining my success and obedience and what he’s called us to do
um and sharing the word that he’s given us um is important to me yeah and now just in wrapping us up I want to go back
to what you said about identity I mean Bill kicked us off this morning we started there very
intentionally because that is an important place to start cuz I think what trips us up sometimes is that we’re
allowing those other voices to tell us who we are and we think that we don’t deserve to hear from God or to be near
him and that is not true and that’s why we started with identity today you know
that you are a child of God and he wants to be near you and he wants you to hear
from him his sheep know his voice and so we just want to debunk that today and so
thank y’all so much just for for your stories and we hope what this does is just tells you that sometimes it’s the
simplest thing like a cherry limeade that can make a big impact or a song or
you’re just out and you’re you know it’s the ocean for me I’m at the ocean and I feel like God is constantly speaking so
um thank y’all so much for your time please give a hand to our panel so awesome thank y’all so much so
[Music] much well now you know that God is speaking and that your listening
increases hearing so we want to actually stop right now and we want to practice
actually hearing from God so we’re going to silence the noise we’re going to get still and we’re going to invite God to
speak to us actually directly through his holy spirit our Helper and Advocate now don’t worry I’m not going to have
you come on stage with me this is going to be between you and God so can you grab a piece of paper and a pen and just
kind of get ready as we are still before the Lord because what we’re going to do
is we are just going to write a letter to ourselves from the Lord and at the
top of your paper I want you to write it just like any greeting so it might just say dear Gina or it might say my beloved
Gina or my son Cal or I just might say daughter sweetie however you think the
Lord would address you but we’re just going to Simply ask God the question Lord what do you want to say to me today
how do you see me tell me God how you view me we’re just going to put on some light music and then Carrie is
going to come and close us out and so we just pray Holy Spirit Come