
Growth & Inspiration

When Hiring Seems Grim

By Kingdom At Work
June 9, 2021

HELP WANTED signs paint the exteriors of businesses in our cities — an unfortunate result of a pandemic year. Today, leaders are facing greater hiring challenges than in recent history. The pandemic created slower processes, shifts to working remotely, and a shortcoming in available recruits. However, despite the challenges in recruitment and hiring practices, we want to offer some hope and encouragement as you search for your next team member!

You see, it is imperative that you bring your business to God in every single aspect. After all, if we belong to God, then shouldn’t our business as well? Talk to Him about your hiring needs, roles that need to be filled, and the people He wants to bring to your business. Wisdom and provision will come from bringing specific needs to the Lord. The key takeaway here is to ask God to lead the way. Discernment comes from continual communication and relationship with the Lord.

Rick Betenbough asks it best,

“How can we lead in God’s Kingdom if we don’t spend time with the King?”

It can be easy to ask for God’s general guidance, but we often hesitate to ask for God’s guidance in specific situations. Let’s look at an example from a situation surrounding hiring challenges at Betenbough Homes.

Betenbough Homes’ Odessa region was in dire need to hire trade partners. A construction team leader was feeling defeated about not seeing any incoming candidates. This leader stopped and prayed specifically for the Lord to provide tradespeople to help continue the work the Lord has entrusted to him through the company. After he prayed for God’s help in the hiring process, the Lord delivered and trade partners showed up to his office the very same day!

George Martinez, Construction Manager, said,

“I was blown away by how faithful God is when I put all my faith in Him. He provided the trades I needed just by praying to Him. I truly gave that to the Lord. My faith as a leader definitely grew after this experience. I now pray specifically for many other things.”

Be specific and be bold when bringing your requests to the King. Ask Him to bring the candidate He wants to join your team in the work He’s given you. You belong to God. Your business belongs to God. Spend time with the King and let Him help you with these hiring challenges and watch him be faithful in His delivery.

Ready to find the candidate that best fits the role you are looking to fill? Be on the lookout for our next blog post as we unpack the Selection Process.

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