Leading with the Heart of God | Humility
August 2024 Webinar Recording
Thanks for watching our webinar on the importance of humility in Kingdom leadership. If you’re eager to explore more Kingdom principles or stay informed about upcoming events designed to equip and inspire you, subscribe for updates from Kingdom at Work!
good morning afternoon and evening everyone and welcome to the kingdom at work webinar I’m Amanda bullan and I’m
the manager at Kingdom at work our mission is to inspire ignite and equip
leaders to find their why we want to partner with you in the marketplace today I’m so excited for you to be part
of our summer series we will be having um Gina roach our new CEO she grew up in
witch Hall Falls Texas before graduating from Texas Tech University and beginning
her career in public relations marketing she joined beaten boo homes in 2006 and
has led various roles emphasizing her strategic lens for sales and marketing
in December of 2023 Gina was appointed as CEO by Rick beatbo Gina leads the
board of directors and specializes in the growth and development of new Enterprises such as an event center a
cafe and a title company she is a champion of beaten bow company’s culture and spends it daily Gina and her husband
Andrew have three children and they spend their time traveling shooting hoops and watching volleyball so excited
for you um to listen to our fearless leader and my friend Gina roach hey
friends and leaders today we are talking about leading with God’s heart the
pursuit of humility and Leadership so thanks for taking time to tune in today
this is a topic that is seriously so near and dear to my heart cuz if I’m honest with you over the years I have
struggled I am struggling and I will struggle with it the most and after
talking with hundreds of leaders over the years inside beaten boo companies and outside of our organization I
actually know that I’m not alone however for us humility ought to be a chief Mark or Hallmark of a leader
in God’s kingdom which means it’s something that we must pursue but I
actually don’t believe we’re ever going to be humble I don’t think that’s a word that you could ever just go Gina is
humble but I think that as Kingdom people we can desire it we can pray for it we can seek it we can practice it and
when I think of an amazing leader in the Bible I always think of King David You
know despite all of his mistakes David in all his humanness was still an excellent leader and he was actually
known as a man after God’s Own Heart you know in 1 Samuel 13:14 Samuel is talking
to Saul and he says but now your kingdom shall not continue the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and he
anoints a Shepherd boy David and then later in Acts
13:22 here we go again it says and when he had removed him so when God had removed Saul he raised up David to be
their king of whom he testified and said I found in David the son of Jesse a man
after my own heart who will do all of my will see David is actually a type for
Christ in many ways yet he falls short of the Perfection only realized in
Christ Jesus and so I have to tell you that’s a relief to me because I fall short too
maybe you can actually recognize that in yourself I remember thinking one day well what does it mean for me human
flawed like David what does that mean for me to have the heart of God how do I walk that out daily well lucky for us in
scripture Jesus God incarnate comes and he shows us and tells us exactly what it’s like actually to have the heart of
God in Matthew 11:29 he says this he says take my yoke upon you and learn
from me for I am gentle and humble and heart and you will find rest for your
souls he ends it with a promise he tells us an action to take and he says and this will make us like him he will have
a heart gentle gentle and humble in heart and you’ll find rest for your souls what a promise
the problem is I think in today’s leadership culture in the world gentle or which is actually Meek in many
translations and then humble are not words that are often synonymous with leadership they’re not celebrated in
leaders and meek is oftentimes misunderstood as weakness you know to to
be humble to be made low becomes weak in the world yet in the kingdom of God the
gentle or the meek actually inherit the earth Matthew 55 says is see it’s
understood that the meaning of Meek in Greek is actually not weak but it is sometimes how it gets interpreted in the
world but instead Meek is actually strength under control it was oftentimes
used in ancient Greece when talking about war horses that were being trained to fall into submission and I know that
there’s a lot of strong leaders a lot of war horses and warriors listening today
and this might be the first application for you subm Mission cuzz well I’m going to tell you
if you’re a leader leading in the Kingdom then you are part of God’s Redemptive plan in a big way so it seems
that being Meek gentle humble taking the low place is a necessary characteristic
or characteristics in the marketplace is we seek to redeem work and glorify God
to inherit the earth and redeem it back for God’s glory but we know the opposite of
humility is pride and I got to tell you you it is a sneaky and subtle sin that
likes to find a home in leaders so we have to be put we are on guard we are on
guard all the time you know Pride puts me at the center of every decision
versus asking what’s best for we it’s me versus we it seeks power control
Prestige and profit but mainly for self that is not the kingdom God’s word
actually tells us that pride comes before the fall that he opposes the proud right proud leaders believe that
they tend to have all the answers my friend cant and president of Beaton Boles recently said it’s his personal
wisdom is kind of what he called his pride that he falls on uh these leaders
lean towards control and concern for their self versus actually submission
and surrender to the king you know Pride can show up in ways like entitlement
superiority things like judgment those are ways that we can identify pride in ourself when we think of ourselves
greater than others or if we look at them and we try to find like small criticisms these hidden criticisms in
them to put ourselves to place ourselves above them or think of them less that is
a pride problem in 2012 I got to have a conversation with
Rick beaten bow not a fun one it was what we would call a 911 in
our culture it is a last Stitch effort it’s an emergency mode and Rick actually
met with me we had recently had four of our leaders in our Management Group were promoted now to a new executive
management team and I wasn’t one of them and I have to be honest um in that
moment I saw their promotion almost as a demotion for
me and I can’t say that I handled it very well and so Rick did what a new
leader did and he came to me and he was honest with me and he asked me oneon-one in his office he said Gina are you
submitted to the executive management team are you submitted to their leadership to which I told him honestly
5050 because that was the truth and he said well tomorrow it needs
to be 100% submitted and I remember in that moment
going home and asking myself what is my issue what’s going on here
and at the end of the day I realized the problem what was getting in my way was me it actually was my own Pride I
recognized that I loved where I worked I loved the people that I worked with I loved the work I was doing so what was
my issue why did I see their promotion as my demotion it was because I was only focused on me there’s a leader in town
that said one time do you want less for them or more for you that can get to the
heart of man do I have a heart that is gentle and lowly am I humble am I taking
the low place or am I only thinking about myself and in that moment I
decided to be different and I did come in the next day fully submitted and I
started reading and rereading scripture on humility I would look up the word
humble or the word humility in my Bible app and just read scripture over and over over which I have to tell you
there’s a lot of them which probably tells me this is going to be a challenge for many of us if God had to continue to
repeat himself there because I needed to understand what does that actually look
like what does it mean to pursue humility I hadn’t seen it much in my
life before joining beaten Boles so I had to learn about it and some of what I
learned was that humility right is not thinking less of yourself but thinking
of yourself less I clearly wasn’t doing that when that executive group got promoted and I
didn’t I really was only focused on myself it was all about me not we and
what I found is if you start to use words like I or me in sentences that probably has a lot
to do with the pride concern but it’s not that you’re not worthy or you know
what God has given you isn’t important it’s just that you shouldn’t be thinking of yourself all the time don’t revolve
around yourself nobody is going to be impressed by that but humility I have to
tell you it needs to be genuine people are smart they can spot false and fake
humility which isn’t going to do anyone any favors because I will tell you the
only person that your false humility AKA your pride impresses is you but humility is also agreeing with
God on who he says you are but that has to start with a question do you know
yourself it all begins with a solid foundation here your self- knowledge you
know your spiritual identity is what’s going to drive your behaviors so this is critical leaders because humility is a
proper estimate of oneself no more no less what gifts experiences treasure
talents Etc has God given you that he wants you to use for his
purposes I remember early on in Kingdom at work Rick and Ron beatbo invited me
to speak in these smaller groups that we started with it wasn’t always the movement that it is now we had what were
called Kingdom at work Gatherings and they asked me to come and speak and I remember prepping for that talk I
remember um being really prepared honestly walking in go it was God’s story his testimony and I get up there
and I do my talk and it was received really well and I walked out and we have
a Biblical teacher on staff named Marcus Murphy and Marcus came to me and he gave me encouragement and he told me what a
good job he said wow Gina that was powerful you know that message people needed to hear you did such a wonderful
job he was encouraging me and you know what I thought humility looked like I thought it was self-deprecating I
thought I was supposed to say oh gosh I could just do better you know here I didn’t do that well I messed up here and
he stopped me right then and he said hey humility is agreeing with God on the
gifts that he has given you and telling others saying those things that you said
that’s like saying that God got it wrong and I have to tell you leaders you’re a masterpiece he didn’t get anything wrong
but we need to have a proper estimate of oneself I can’t think of myself you know any higher than I should but humility
only stays if you’ve invited I have to remind myself of that over and over humility is something to pursue it’s
something to try and hone so in 2012 I had that 911 conversation with Rick it
would not be the last time that I got to learn about humility right this is a daily hourly kind of
pursuit but in 2020 now I’m now leading as VP of sales and marketing for beaten
B Homes alongside my friend Cory LK is VP of operations cant is president of
beaten B holes and we LED that organization together for years and there came a moment where we started
a business support organization what we call beatbo business services and it was now time for
marketing to be centralized and move from beaten bbo homes to beatbo Business Services now the issue here was that for
me this meant I was going to go from VP of sales and marketing to a director of
marketing and I was actually going to now be leading with many other directors
that I had hired promoted or LED for quite a while and
I’ll tell you the first thing that I knew was that God wanted me to walk this out very differently than I had in the
past and humility was at the core of every thought every moment that I had I
would have to ask the Lord what does it look like everyone is watching so how I walk this out is
really critical to model for other people but that’s the truth of leadership we have
to be thinking about this all the time because if the heart of God is gentle and lowly then how we walk these moments
out are so big for people and so I started to think about what does that look like what are some habits of the
humble maybe that we can adopt I read a book Years Ago by K newoff that was
called didn’t see it coming and it was these seven things that happen to every individual in their life that you don’t
see coming and he would start by identifying in some pride issues way that you can be aware in yourself of
issues of Pride and then what he would do is he would counteract that kind of give you the antidote and talk about
habits of the humble you’ll hear some of those actually here um but I’ve kind of added a little spin to it on what I’ve
learned over time but one of the first things that people do is they always start with gratitude have you ever
noticed that people that are really strong in the kingdom of God are so grateful you know they don’t think of
all the things that aren’t going well and they don’t try to go back to the garden and try to decide or uncover what
they believe God is withholding from them instead they look for all the blessings that are happening around them
they operate in abundance and not scarcity which then brings this
perspective and fullness of life you know in the Kingdom if you if you go low you’re brought high so your perspective
on things is so different and you can see the small blessings and the big
blessings humble leaders look for all that’s going right in those big and small ways they see God at work
everywhere I remember we were in a 911 situation with another leader and I
remember asking Rick How will I know it’s going well right leadership is so
nuanced it’s not black and white if you’re leading people people are not black and white and Rick said Gina go
look for everything that’s going right but the thing is you have to take the low place to be exalted to the highest
spots in the kingdom of God you know humble leaders they also seek to serve not be served and I got to
tell you okay as soon as I said that I felt like you guys were going to start to make this a competition you’re going
to go try to outs serve one another because that’s how we work right we make lists to go serve plans strategies to be
the best servants ever but you know what you just need to be with the people like humble Kingdom
leaders are with the people they know the people they serve the people they try to help meet the needs of those
around them by maybe just praying for them or simply just being around them you know King David was with the people
Jesus was with the people because how can you serve someone you aren’t around
and that you don’t know how could you ever begin to empathize with someone if you don’t experience what’s going on
with them and here at beaten boo companies our parent company we believe
that it is the leader job to know their people to care for their people and to develop their people in an effort to
help them Reach their god-given potential that’s service even if they lead us that is our heart and our hope
for people humble leaders are also very curious wow we have so many people here
that reflect this you know leaders should be Learners which starts with
curiosity so open your notebooks great leaders understand that they literally
can learn from anyone anywhere so they always have their pen and paper ready to
take notes but to be curious sometimes you have to stop and ask questions after
that demotion in 2020 I stepped back into taking over the marketing team as marketing director we
were now had six different businesses that need needed marketing efforts not just beaten B Homes and we had people
already that were focused on beaten b homes and then we had some people that were kind of spread all around and we
were bringing that group together into this one Consolidated team and look I
had a lot of thoughts and opinions like you do I had a lot of ways that I thought this should go um I already had
a lot of feedback that I had been given from our board and Leadership on ways things could improve but I knew if I was
going to walk in here humility you know who knows what’s really going on in teams are the people and so I just
stopped and got curious and I met with every single individual close to 20 individuals that were coming together to
make this new marketing team and I asked them what should we stop doing what should we start doing and what should we
keep doing and that actually helped pave the way for this new marketing team and
it was the best way to go about things I learned things that I wouldn’t have never learned any other way and here’s
the thing I actually got to develop relationship with people along the way but I will tell you one of the worst
things that you can do is to ask test questions you know have you ever had
that person where ask you they ask you a question but you feel like it’s kind of pass or fail like you need to have the
right answer that’s not what I’m talking about that is a pride issue because they think they know the right right answer
to pass this test and don’t ask leading questions don’t try to guide them to where you want them to go I’m just
talking ask open-ended questions just be curious all the time Ron beatbo he was
so good at this no wonder he was an amazing salesperson and sales leader for us but the first time he met someone he
would just say tell me about you he had this insatiable curiosity about him just
to know things about people to know what was going on what’s happening in the team what’s happening at home what’s
happening in your life you know just be curious and once you do that it’s not
enough to ask the questions you actually have to actively listen I have found
that this has so much to do with humility because when you have a humble
heart you’re going to seek to understand you’re not sitting there trying to think
of a response or a rebuttal the entire time time that someone else is speaking
because when you do that you’re actually again focused on yourself and I I really
this is an area of growth for me I’m trying to get better at I will tell you our board member Carrie Richie he is so
good at this and he was my leader here for a decade so I can tell you about this but I would watch him sit in
meetings and just listen and listen and listen I would hear everyone else having to spout their opinion there was a lot
of disagreement all the time because disagreement is a good thing if done well but man Carrie would just sit there
and actively listen and he would take it all in and then he would respond that
was a picture of humility to me in so many meetings humble leaders oftentimes also
put the spotlight on others you know leaders have the luxury of often getting opportunities to shine right be on stage
or receive credit for successes within companies but as humble leaders we should push
others to the spotlight we should celebrate team members in big and small ways as we go about our work you know
that’s exactly what Rick and Ron were doing when they invited me to speak at that Kingdom at work Gathering the first
time and I can’t tell you how many times I was at a local event with hundreds of
people maybe thousands of people or even when it was Rick and Ron that were on stage you know the first thing that Ron
would always say he would say where are the beaten B holes team members in the audience would y’ all stand up and he
would sit up there and he would tell that crowd of people how he had the best
people on the planet that he got to work with Ron always took every opportunity
to push us to the spotlight and now we have the opportunity to do that for
others and I can’t tell you what that meant in our leadership that we now get to model as we continue this Legacy of
beaten Bow company and here’s a really challenging one that
I had never experienced in leadership before I got here but humble leaders apologize when they’re wrong and they
did something out of line and they actually mean it this isn’t something
that discounts your leadership with team members it actually makes you human which is a gift to everyone around you
because y’all people think the leader is perfect you know makes me think of in those um like magazines where it’s like
celebrities are just like us it’s like leaders they’re just like us we’re just people we all have different roles in
the organization but we are just people serving people and I’ll never forget we
were going through a really stressful situation years ago and again cal Zan
Corey Lusk and I were the beaten bomes leadership team and we had had quite a bit of struggles in one of our regions
and we were in the midst of some really difficult decisions that we had to make and we were having to step in in a way
that we hadn’t before uh and we were just saddened by what was happening and we were in a meeting and
Rick came in uh sometimes we would call him hurricane Rick he just busted in our
meeting because he was frustrated at what was happening because people were getting hurt in the middle of um some
leadership that had gone wrong and I had just come from a sales training and I
walked in and Rick was there and I remember he just was frustrated and took
that out um really kind of on me in that moment and said is that what we should be spending our time on is that what we
should be doing and I have to tell you my eyes we just like this you know when
the CEO comes in and says that to you you start to question yourself and and
really I thought you know a humble leader they asked a question could the fault be mine and so I really asked
myself should I not have been doing that was that the right thing and I actually felt
like we should have been doing that sales training I didn’t think there was anything wrong with it and so I went to
Rick oneon-one afterwards which is the right way to do that and I asked him hey
can you tell me what that was about in there do you really believe that we shouldn’t have been investing um and
training that way with the sales team and I said that just seemed wow really had a left field for me so could
you help me understand and he said you know what Gina he said I’m sorry that’s
exactly what you should have been doing I was just being a butthead and I remember
thinking okay here’s this really eloquent speaker this Kingdom leader and he just told me that he was being a
butthead and I have to tell you right now with the loss of Rick in December of
2023 and me stepping in to this new role as CEO of beaten boo companies I have
reflected on that moment more than any other because number one he apologized
he it’s he wasn’t perfect and we don’t have to be either Rick was kind of this model of repentance he would apologize
all the time that’s just one of the stories but I have to tell you I am recalling that because it gives me
Freedom you know and now it’s something that ripples out into our leadership group and even just this week we’re in
August of 2024 this week we gathered our senior leadership group and we were having a discussion and a younger senior
leader on our team was talking to me um about how he was white knuckling some
things we were talking about releasing control and authority to team members and he kept talking about that and how
he would just bring things back and he was always the mediator and he was really holding on to things and I said I
I asked him what do you think you’ll do when you go back to your team today and
then I wasn’t at all surprised when he said well I’m going to have to start with an apology cuz he recognized he was
withholding some things from their development wow that’s how this goes
these are some of the habits of the humble and that model of humble humble leadership in the life of Jesus is what
was then honestly modeled for me and our board and Rick is it just did it rippled
out into our leadership group that now represents a 100 leaders just in our organization 400 plus team members you
know all across West Texas and it’s changing the way that we
work now unfortunately I’ll have to tell you in my story there was uh some humiliation that had to happen for me
all through my leadership look this has been ups and downs for me and it was in
the Downs right it was in that prideful moment that low moment that I could really develop
myself but you know humiliation and humility have you noticed that they’re
closely related and that’s because the Latin root of the word humiliation is literally too humble that’s what it took
for me but that doesn’t have to be your story see you can begin with
submission that minute by minute hour by hour day by day pursuit of humility and
it’s the holy spirit that guides us right in all truth and can help you here but only if you’ll let him we have to
invite the spirit of God into our leadership really how else could we
reflect the humble servant leadership of Jesus and have a heart of God if we
don’t have the Holy Spirit with us you know when I began to really focus on this Kingdom characteristic and just
think about it all the time and you know apologize constantly for not being a
model of this I I just found so much peace and contentment in my life you know things like striving could cease um
provision Vision then started to rest fully on the provider God and contentment just filled my heart I I
could have this proper estimate of myself I didn’t have to make myself less than and I didn’t I surely didn’t have
to make somebody else less than and what a sweet sweet thing it is that’s the
promise of the rest that God gave us you know specifically for me in my demotion
in 2020 I mean I went home the day that I was asked to take that director of marketing role in centralized marketing
I went home and cried all night all night long you know and I woke
up in the morning and God told me he said Gina Less in the world is much more
in the kingdom and it’s so true see that’s the upside upside down way of the
Kingdom the last are first less is more the submitted the meek inherit the earth
and those that take the flow place are exalted to the highest
places so Kingdom leader what’s in your heart today is there somewhere that pride is
getting in your way in your role as a leader your role as a daughter or a son
or a spouse you know a friend or your it could be your finances you know material
type of things ask God’s holy spirit to reveal to you where you can be made low so that
he can rise up in you and that’s what you’ll be known for for and God’s glory
is going to just shine so bright you’re going to draw so many people to him and
his love so let’s be leaders after God’s Own Heart today just like
David let me pray for you father we just thank you right now for all the leaders
that are listening to this we know that you have been teaching us so much the
reason I’m here is not because I’m good at this it’s because I’m not good at this and you are constantly trying to
show me new facets of your heart and what it looks like to be gentle and lowly but to still walk in my spiritual
identity and in the calling that you have given me and so I pray that over every leader listening father would they
be people and leaders that are just seeking your heart seeking your wisdom
and then would you give them rest and peace Father would we be known for our
humility would we be known for being different in the world and would that draw people
to know you and your love we thank you for who you are we thank you for your
leadership in our life Father And We Just Surrender again today to your will
we ask that your kingdom come here on Earth just as it is in heaven amen
thanks so much y’all thank you for joining us for the Kingdom at work webinar we are so excited to tell you
about a few events we have coming up first first our first ever work with purpose conference is going to be August
27th in LEC Texas this will be at the Buddy Holly Hall there’s a QR code right
there on your screen that you can sign up we will have topics including how to hear from God in your day-to-day
handling workplace conflict and using your streaks at work and so much more we
believe that you can honor God and you can operate with a kingdom mindset and honor the Lord Right Where You Are even
in a non-believing environment anyone in the marketplace is welcome to join us
next Our Kingdom at work leadership Workshop is October 1st through the 3 this is for CEOs and business owners if
that’s something you’re interested in hit that QR code and we would love to talk to you more about it last thing I
have our live webinars will start back in September we will have Brad Nelson be
sharing on feedback hunger for truth you can sign up right there with that QR
code thank you so much for joining us we pray that you have a blessed day bye